(Wide Area Information Servers)广域信息服务系统

  • The effect of the P300 latency was significantly different from that of WAIS RC ( P < 0.01 ) . and the P300 latency is sensitive than WAIS RC .

    事件相关电位(ERPP300)潜伏期与 WAISRC的检测效果比较,两种检测效果有显著性差别(P<0.01),事件相关电位P300潜伏期比WAISRC敏感。

  • Method We tested 52 students at age 16 using C - WISC and WAIS - RC .

    方法将C-WISC与 WAIS-RC 用于52名16岁学生进行测试。

  • Methods : 63 patients with refractory psychosis were evaluated by WAIS RC before and after operation .

    方法:应用 韦氏 智力 WAIS-RC 对63名难治性精神病人进行手术前后 测试并对照研究。

  • Average correlation between CISA and WAIS - RC Subtests was about 0.52 ;

    CISA与 WAIS-RC之间的平均相关系数为0.52;

  • Contrast studies of WAIS RC with P300 tests on the intelligence impairment in epileptic patients

    癫痫智能障碍的 WAIS-RC 智力 P300测试的对比研究

  • It showed that water recycle use rate was not high in Zhejiang province and CP base wais weak so there was large potential .

    结果表明浙江省大部分行业的水循环利用率不高,清洁生产基础 薄弱,有一定的提高潜力。

  • Moreover silk wais one of the major contributions of Chinese people for the world . China was the origin of sericulture in the world .

    不仅如此,中国的 丝绸 还是中国 劳动人民对世界的巨大贡献,中国是世界蚕桑的起源地。

  • In the WAIS digit symbol test the difference between the two groups was not significant P value 0.05.Conclusions : 1 .

    而在 WAIS数字符号测试中,两组间差异性不显著,P值>0.05。

  • Thinking Machines produced WAIS servers which ran on their massively parallel CM-2 ( connection machine ) and SPARC-based CM-5 MP supercomputers .

    思维机器产生 智力服务器然就其大规模并行厘米-2(连接机),以及基于SPARC厘米-5国会议员超级计算机。

  • The results showed that the effect of temperature and pressure on X Y direction stress and displacement of laminates wais opposite .

    结果表明 外界温度和压力对层 合板的X、Y方向的应力和应变的作用方向是不同的。

  • The WAIS protocol and servers were primarily promoted by Thinking Machines Corporation of Cambridge Massachusetts .

    广域 信息 服务 系统议定书和服务器的主要推动的思维机器公司的剑桥,美国马萨诸塞州。

  • Results About 49.1 % - 58.5 % of the patients with ACI showed some degrees of intelligence impairment all score by WAIS-RC test was significantly lower in patients with ACI than that in healthy controls ( P0.001 ) .

    结果491%~585%的ACI患者有不同程度的智能障碍, WAIS RC 各项 测验得分在ACI组均显著低于健康组(均为P001);

  • Markedly improve the MMSE subscale orientation and the WAIS R subscale free recall reading and classification of colors and shapes ( included in language and central executive function );

    对MMSE中的定向力、 WMS-R中的自由回忆、语言和中枢执行功能中的阅读与颜色形状分类有显著改善作用;同时在改善 语言中枢功能总分上也具有显著疗效。

  • Results indicate that the symbolic operation wais a helpful efficiency-amplifier for satellite gravity research that was characterized by a complicated formula system .

    实验结果表明,计算机符号运算对于公式体系 繁杂的卫星重力学理论研究来说具有极大的增效作用。

  • Two sets of TMT WAIS score results : In the level of education 12 years between the two groups the study group and control group in TMT WAIS compared the detection of significant differences exist P value 0.01 .

    两组TMT、 WAIS评分结果:在受教育程度12年的两组比较中,研究组和对照组在TMT、WAIS各项检测比较中存在显著性差异,P值0.01。

  • First cloning vector wais constructed : The gene encoding human insulin-like growth factor-I was modified .

    首先,构建克隆载体:将改造的人胰岛素样生长因子 huIGF-I 基因 直接克隆到 T-载体, 进行 DNA 序列 测定

  • The total score of WAIS CT and CMS were significantly higher in risperidone group than in chlorpromazine group .

    利培酮组的 WAIS-RC、CT、CMS总分均明显高于氯丙嗪组,差异有显著性。

  • Methods P_ 300 potentials test and Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale ( WAIS ) test were used for the fifty - six psychogenia of head injury patients and fifty-three normal healthy peoples . The results were compared in the two groups .

    方法对56例颅外伤所致精神障碍患者和53例健康者分别进行了 P300电位测定和智商测定,并将两组结果加以比较。

  • Nitrogen had a significant role in the improvement of corrosion resistance in stainless steel and the best nitrogen content wais concerned to the type and concentration of corrosion medium .

    实验 研究 结果 表明 1 氮对不锈钢耐腐蚀性能有显著的改善作用, 耐蚀性能最佳的氮含量与腐蚀介质的类型和浓度有关。

  • The influence of age on intelligence performance in Wechsler Adult IntelligenceScale Revised for China ( WAIS RC ) were evaluated while education were controlled .

    本文对韦氏成人智力量表中国修订本( WAIS&RC)25岁及其以上成年人城乡样本共1976人在校正各年龄组的文化程度以后,比较了年龄和教育因素对成年人智力发展的影响。

  • ERP and WAIS in 50 epileptics

    50例癫痫患者事件相关电位和 智能 检查 研究

  • Result There were some difference between C - WISC and WAIS - RC such as test construct 、 content and characteristic .

    结果C-WISC与 WAIS-RC在测验结构、内容及 测验特性上存在有一定差异。

  • I just wais part of it .

    我是它的 部分。

  • RESULTS : The achievements of WAIS in the patient group were significantly lower than those in control group ( P 0.01 ) except digit symbol test .

    结果:患者组除数字符号 测验外, 其余 各项 智力 测验成绩明显低于对照组(P0.01);

  • Methods By means of MMPI RT WAIS RC and HRB RCA 102 schizophrenics were systematically examined .

    方法以MMPI、RT、 WAISRC、HRBRCA为工具,对102例精神分裂症病人进行系统测查。

  • The authors made a factor analysis on the intelligence of patients with schizophrenia . 119 patients with schizophrenia were measured by Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale Revised China ( WAIS RC ) .

    为探索精神分裂症患者的智力及其 效度,采用韦氏成人智力量表中国版( WAIS-RC)对119例精神分裂症患者进行了 测验

  • Methods Forty patients with PD were tested with WAIS RC and analysed on the ralation between WAIS RC scores and the course of PD motor dysfunction and education .

    方法采用 修订 韦氏 成人 智力 WAIS-RC),对40例PD患者进行测试,并与病程、运动功能障碍、受教育年限等因素进行相关性分析。

  • The psychometric tests included : MMSE WAIS RC and clinical memory scales .

    其中神经心理学量表的检查包括MMSE、 韦氏 智力及临床记忆量表 检查

  • Where he couldn 't wais .

    直到他都无法 走路

  • A Comparison Between Nonclinical and Schizophrenia Sample on the Results Measured by WAIS - ⅲ Chinese Version Analysis of semen parameters of patients with normal fertilization rate in conventional IVF-ET cycles

    精神分裂症患者与正常人 WAIS-Ⅲ测试结果比较常规体外授精中正常受精率患者的精液参数分析