


  • Haul that weevil to his feet .


  • Articles on specific control methods and application aggregation pheromone of red palm weevil adults to lure field trials .

    文章介绍具体防治方法,并应用聚集信息素对红棕 象甲成虫进行田间引诱试验。

  • But in the early years of the century the boll weevil began devastating the cotton farms in the south .

    然而在上世纪初期,棉铃 象甲开始 美国南部的棉花农场。

  • Comparative study of Phaseolus vulgaris and p.angularis on development of Brazilian bean weevil

    巴比妥酸盐,巴比妥酸酯菜豆和饭豆对巴西 豆象发育影响比较研究

  • Investigation on Species and Damage of Bamboo Shoot Weevil on Phyllostachys pubescens in Fujian Province

    天然毛竹无性系种群的结构动态与数量统计福建省毛竹林竹笋 种类及危害调查

  • Spatial Pattern and Theoretical Sampling Number of Eggs of Banana Weevil Cosmopolites sordidus ( Germar ) in Hainan

    海南香蕉根颈 象甲卵的空间分布型及理论抽样数确定

  • The country has pretty much defeated the boll weevil and the Department of Agriculture individually tests every bale on obscure measures such as the tensile strength of the fibres .

    棉铃 美国 难以 为害,农业部会拿纤维的抗拉强度等玄 标准逐个检测每个棉包。


    象甲 害虫是一种发光的圆柱形甲虫。我国刺鞘牙甲属四新种(鞘翅目:牙甲科)

  • The effects of temperature and humidity on the development of Brazilian bean weevil

    温度和湿度对巴西 豆象 生长发育的影响

  • There were certain relationships between weevil diversity and soil nutrient restoration time restoration and management measures .

    象甲 物种多样性与土壤养分、植被恢复时间长短、恢复措施和经营措施存在一定关系。

  • Small weevil having a prolonged snout ; destructive to e.g. grains and nuts .

    嘴巴长的 小象;对谷物和坚果等有破坏作用。

  • Pest infestation also easily occurs mainly rice weevil and corn weevil etc.

    害虫感染也易发生,主要感染的害虫有 米象和玉米象等。

  • The ecological implication of this life history strategy of rice water weevil was discussed .

    文中讨论了 稻区稻水 象甲生活史对策的 适应意义。

  • Gossypol which is produced by gland cells in the leaves of cotton is an attractant to the boll weevil .

    棉叶腺胞分泌的棉酚对棉铃 象鼻虫是一种引诱剂。

  • Bamboo weevil is a kind of pest damaging bamboo shoot .

    竹笋 象甲是危害竹笋的象甲 害虫。

  • The rice weevil is a good example of the high reproducibility of some grain insect species .


  • The paper discusses condition of Yang stem weevil in NeHe and puts forward control measure .

    本文论述了讷河市杨干 象甲发生现状,并提出了治理对策。

  • The occurrence situation of rice plant weevil along the Yangtze River region in Anhui was described main reason of its occurrence was analyzed and the related control countermeasure was present .

    简述了稻 在安徽省沿江地区发生危害情况,分析了其发生的主要原因,并提出相应的防治对策。

  • The result showed that the Yunnan pine weevil is a moderate risk pest in Guizhou province .

    本文采用有害生物风险分析中的综合分析方法对云南木 在贵州发生危害的风险性进行综合 评价,结果表明云南木 属中等危险性的林业有害生物。

  • Red palm weevil is a common import pest in plant quarantine is highly harmful and has high spreading ability .

    红棕 象甲是进境植物检疫性有害生物之一,扩散能力和危害性非常强大。

  • In the long run they saw that the boll weevil had in fact done them a favor by destroying their crops .

    从长远来看,他们发现棉铃 甲虫 破坏了农作物,但实际上反倒帮了他们的忙。

  • Biological character of typical and active type of Cowpea weevil .

    豆象的标准型与活动型 之间生物学特性。

  • Sluggish hard-bodied black terrestrial weevil whose larvae feed on e.g. decaying plant material or grain .

    行动迟缓的黑色硬体陆栖 象鼻虫,其幼虫吃腐烂的植物或谷物等。

  • The result showed that weevil was dangerous devastator to palm plants and sugarcane in China .

    结果表明,褐纹甘蔗 对我国是具高度危险性的有害生物。

  • Fluctuation and control strategy of rapeseed stem weevil in Northwestern China

    中国西北地区油菜茎 象甲的消长与防治策略

  • It 's called the boll weevil because it destroys the cotton boll the seed pod that contains the cotton .

    之所以会被称为 棉子 象鼻虫,是因为这种昆虫会毁坏棉花球,以及含有棉花的种子荚。

  • The success of the crop was attributed both to an unusually mild winter and to the virtual disappearance of the spaghetti weevil .

    这种作物的丰收归功于异常温暖的冬天和虚构的意面 象鼻虫的消失。

  • Farm demonstration work in the South helped to fight the cotton boll weevil .

    南部农场示范工作大大帮助了对棉花 象鼻虫的防治。