

vt.& vi.编,织迂回行进穿行(以避开障碍)




  • Jenny weaves baskets from willow she grows herself .

    珍妮用她自己种的柳树的枝条 篮子。

  • Bragg weaves together the histories of his main characters .

    布拉格 他主要人物的 身世在一起。

  • The production process the weave design and color arrange in figured jean are discussed .

    探讨了提花牛仔 组织设计,色彩搭配和生产制造的方法。

  • Studies on the weave design for flat knitting machine are beneficial to opening-up the innovative thinking of a designer .

    由于 组织设计是毛衫设计的基础,对以横机技术为依托的 组织设计进行研究有助于开拓设计师的创作思路。

  • Ancient people all used looms to weave .

    古代女子成年很早,及笄已算成年,但其实才 15

  • Fabrics with a close weave are ideal for painting .


  • The path and dream is up to you to weave .

    路径和梦想是你去 编织的。

  • Jan Roberts weaves a compelling tale which traps a young woman in a world run by the Mafia .

    简·罗伯茨 了一个引人入胜的故事,诱骗一位年轻女性进入了黑手党的地盘。

  • Long piece of cane are used to make furniture and to weave baskets .

    长的竹茎被用作制家具和 篮子。

  • She weaves imaginative elements into her poems

    她在诗中 编织 奇思妙想

  • The Navajos weave beautiful rugs .

    拿佛和人 编织美丽的地毯。

  • At this time of crisis you can still weave straw sandals ?

    都这个时候了,还有 闲情 草鞋?

  • Textile mills could begin to weave more polyester into fabrics .

    纺织厂可能会开始在面料中 采用更多聚酯纤维。

  • I think you can weave a story around this incident .

    我想你可以围绕这一事件 一个故事。

  • We can weave the most beautiful brocade in the world .

    我们能 世界上最漂亮的锦缎。

  • He had a tapestry loom in his bedroom so that he could weave early in the morning .

    他寝室中有一台挂毯织机,这样他一清早就可以 编织

  • We study the material treatment and the relations between yarn weave construction and non-pressing finish .

    研究原料处理及纱线, 结构与免烫整理的关系,将该项目技术扩大应用到了更广的领域。

  • Many woven fabrics are constructed using the plain weave .

    许多机织物由 平纹 组织构成。

  • Let 's weave a rug .

    我们来 条地毯吧。

  • He weaves his way through a crowd .

    他在人群中 迂回 前行

  • Weave a design into ( textiles ) .

    在纺织品中 编织花样。

  • This beautiful coat is made of PVC . Twill weave fabrics have a distinctive and attractive appearance .

    这件漂亮的外衣是氯纶织物制的。 斜纹 物具有独特而漂亮的外观。

  • She had been taught to weave as a child .

    她从小就学会了 织布

  • In one room young mothers weave while babies doze in their laps .

    在一间屋子里,年轻的母亲们在 织布,而她们的孩子就在她们膝上打盹。

  • I try to weave a wreath all the morning but the flowers slip and they drop out .

    整个早晨我想 一个花环,但是花儿滑掉了。

  • For woven articles a proper drape can usually be realized by choosing a suitable weave and finish treatment .

    机织织物的适当悬垂性可通过恰当的 和整理而实现。

  • The yarn ( as in a rug or velvet ) that stands up from the weave .

    编织 中飘离出来的纱线(像在毯子或天鹅绒中)。

  • Weave together straw and feather .


  • One third of the silk from the cocoons can be used to weave silk carpets .

    一个蚕茧中仅有三分之一的丝可供 丝毯所用。