


  • This has been the longest week of my life .

    这是我一辈子过的最长的一个 星期

  • I reckon we 'll go next week .

    我想我们将在下 星期去。

  • It is not unusual for women to work a 40-hour week .

    女性一 工作40小时并不少见。

  • It has rained all the week .

    雨下了整整一个 星期

  • This is my third visit in a week which says it all .

    这是我一 内第3次拜访,这说明了一切。

  • I had a letter from my mother last week


  • The 800 metre final is on Monday week .

    800米决赛在 下周一进行。

  • Next week he 'll be in Florida for consultations with President Mitterrand


  • My daughter would have been 17 this week if she had lived

    我女儿要是还活着的话,这 就17岁了。

  • My brother had a lovely dog . I looked after him for about a week .


  • ' That 's the time you weren 't well wasn 't it ? ' — ' Yes that 's right that was a week ago yesterday . '

    “就是那个时候你不舒服,没错吧?”——“是的,没错,就是一 前的昨天。”

  • He may be able to leave hospital early next week .

    他下 初也许就可以出院了。

  • He 's been away for at least a week .

    他走了总有一个 星期吧。

  • She met the Queen last week .


  • They drew up the design for the house in a week .

    他们在一 就画出了房子的图样。

  • I have numerous engagements next week .


  • He did buy me those daffodils a week or so ago

    他确实在大约一个 星期前给我买了那些水仙花。

  • I have started planning out what I shall be doing next week .

    我已开始详细安排 下周要干的事儿了。

  • Matt got me a room there for a week or so when I first came here

    我初次来到这里的时候,马特找了个房间让我住了大约一个 星期

  • Only 12 weeks ago he underwent major heart transplant surgery

    12 星期前他才刚刚接受了风险很高的心脏移植手术。

  • I remembered that we had drunk the last of the coffee the week before

    我记得我们在一个 星期前就把最后的那点儿咖啡喝完了。

  • The Department of Health and a top immunologist have blasted a report in last week 's Sunday Times .

    卫生部和一位知名免疫学家严词抨击了 上周《星期日泰晤士报》的一篇报道。

  • But few at the conference in London last week heeded his warning

    但在 上周于伦敦召开的大会上,几乎没有人留意他的警告。

  • The deadline to publish the document is a week tomorrow


  • Vacations have lengthened and the work week has shortened

    假期延长,工作 就缩短了。

  • I know a wonderful restaurant where we can have lunch next week .

    我知道一家很不错的餐厅, 下周我们可以去那里吃午饭。

  • Her mother stayed for another two weeks

    她母亲又呆了两个 星期

  • We spent a blissful week together
