weed out

[wid aʊt][wi:d aut]


  • It 's a way to weed out candidates but companies know that students are still going to apply .

    这是一种 铲除求职者的途径,但是公司知道学生仍然会申请职位。

  • Scoop the blanket weed out and use it to line hanging baskets

    把那些丝状水藻捞 出来,垫在 吊篮里。

  • He is keen to weed out the many applicants he believes may be frauds

    他急于 剔除那些他认为是冒牌货的申请人。

  • A small group of neo-Nazis have infiltrated the ranks . We must weed them out as soon as possible .

    队伍中混入了一小撮新纳粹分子,我们必须尽快将其 清除

  • In June the board and the GAC at last agreed on a procedure to weed out unwanted domains .

    六月,董事会和政府咨询委员会( GAC)最终达成一致,将 除掉不需要的域名。

  • As part of their hiring processes some companies give personality tests that seem designed to weed out introverts .

    比如,许多公司在招聘过程中进行的个性测试似乎存心就是为了 淘汰内向性格的人而设。

  • These features will quickly weed out the non-hackers who do not want to play right .

    这样的特性能够很快的 淘汰那些不想公平玩游戏的非黑客玩家。

  • Read over your composition and weed out every sentence that is not about the subject .

    把你的作文再念一遍,把与主题无关句子 统统 删去

  • The inbred females are apparently able to weed out sperm from kin that would lead to less fit offspring .

    显然,近亲繁殖的雌性能够 剔除来自近亲的精子,以免造成不够健康的后代。

  • Weed out traitors from the army .


  • We check all our equipment regularly to weed out ageing wires .

    我们定期检查所有设备, 老化电线。

  • So you have to make things rough for them weed out the weenie trees early on .

    所以你得把它们的生长环境变得艰苦些,尽早 淘汰那些弱不禁风的树。

  • As to western culture we should absorb the good while weed out the bad .

    对待西方文化,我们应 其精华, 糟粕

  • We have to weed out unqualified applicants .

    我们必须 淘汰不合格的申请人。

  • To placate the Parliament and the opposition the government raised the bar for citizenship . Strict due diligence standards were set to weed out money launderers and criminals .

    为了安抚议会和反对派,政府提高了获得公民身份的门槛,设定了严格的尽职调查标准,以 剔除洗钱者和犯罪分子。

  • Please help me to weed out those yellow flowers that keep growing among the onions .

    请帮我 去长在洋葱中间的那些 黄花

  • He weed out one by one the book he do not want .

    他把不想要的书一本一本 丢掉

  • To also uses a score to weed out candidates for recruiters .

    Path.to也利用评分系统来替招聘人员 筛选人才。

  • So all of the cases are already handled and any branches to weed out extra teardown steps will only serve to slow down the default case .

    所以所有情况都已经得到了处理, 清除额外的结束步骤的任何分支只会减慢对默认情况的处理。

  • Carefully we examined each of the copies to weed out the soiled ones & another effort that required hours .

    我们仔细检查每一本杂志,把沾染了污迹的 剔除 &这同样需要花费数小时。

  • But I think it 's a golden opportunity to really think about what is important in your life and weed out the things that don 't really matter .

    但是我认为这是一个千载难逢的机会,让你认真思考你的生活中什么是重要的,并 剔除那些不要紧的东西。

  • Doing this exercise enabled me in many cases to immediately weed out the unqualified candidates .

    通过这些测验就可以,在大多数情况下能够很快的 剔除 符合要求的候选人。

  • Other benefits such as dole money could be frozen and there will be a huge push to weed out fiddlers .

    其他像失业救济金这样的补贴可能会被冻结,大家会努力把骗子 清除

  • They encourage internal competition as the way to weed out the weakest .

    他们鼓励内部竞争,从而 淘汰组织的 残兵败将

  • It might keep them honest and it might weed out the incorrigible ones .

    或许会让他们老实点,说不定还可以 清除 那些死不悔改的法官。

  • When we first started using forced rankings I thought it really helped weed out the poor performers .

    当我们开始使用的时候。我想他确实能够帮助我们 开除 一些低绩效的员工。

  • So the office must take action to weed out abuse of the student system it said .

    因此政府表示,必须采取一定措施来 清除学生管理系统的缺陷与弊端。

  • We must weed out the traitors in our midst !

    我们必须 清除我们中间的叛徒!

  • Developers should specify filtering rules to weed out data they do not want .

    开发人员应该指定筛选规则来 清除他们不想要的数据。

  • He said last year that he would weed out weaker businesses and has already closed or sold 19 .

    去年他曾表示将 砍掉较弱的业务部门,迄今他已关闭或出售了19个业务部门。