web plate

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  • With structural design of the hoist jib analysis and calculation are made in such aspects as material type of the box type section and the local stability of the web plate .

    结合起重机吊臂的结构设计,从材料、箱形截面的形式及其 腹板的局部稳定性等方面对伸缩臂进行了分析、计算。

  • Rectification of computation method for section efficiency index of T beam with wet joint in web plate


  • Fit the web plate on the inner side member .


  • Analysis of the Web Plate Crack 's Origin of Continuous Rigid Frame Bridge

    连续刚构桥箱梁 腹板裂缝成因分析研究

  • Influence composite continuous beams stress and deflection each factor from strongly to weak is : web plate high concrete slab high web plate thickness the ledger wall thickness and the roof thickness .

    影响组合连续梁应力和挠度的各个因素由强到弱依次为: 腹板高,混凝土板高,腹板厚,底板厚和顶板厚。

  • Studies a optimal design method that can make train work reliably under 25 t axle load only by shape optimizing the web plate of wheel under constant wheel diameter .

    本文探讨了一种在不增加轮径的前提下,仅通过对车轮 进行形状优化,就可使其在25t轴重下可靠工作的优化设计方法。

  • Determining Method of Web Plate 's Prefabricated Camber on Main Girder of Aluminum Electrolysis Multifunctional Unit

    铝电解多功能机组主梁 腹板预制拱度确定方法

  • Analysis result indicates that the most important factor influencing the stiffness of the joint is the height of cross-section of beam while the thickness of the web plate hardly has any influence on the stiffness .

    分析结果表明,在所有的影响因素中,对节点刚度影响最大的是梁的截面高度,而梁 腹板的厚度对节点刚度几乎没有影响。

  • Only the mechanical load can not lead to the crack initiation and propagation at the web plate hole .

    单纯的机械载荷不会直接导致孔边裂纹的 萌生和扩展;

  • Steel - concrete composite open - web plate is a new type of composite structure .

    钢-混凝土组合 空腹 是一种新型的组合结构形式。

  • And make comparison between ripple web plate variable cross-section portal rigid frame and constant cross-section rigid frame .

    并且把波纹 腹板变截面门式刚架与等截面门式刚架进行对比。

  • This paper analyzes the stress of holes in web plates of box beam by Finite Element Method and shows laws of effects of the shape size and position of the holes in the web plate on box beam 's strength .

    用有限元方法对箱形梁筋板上孔的应力进行了分析,给出了 上孔的形状、大小、方向以及排列 方式对箱形梁强度的影响规律。

  • The simulation analysis of concrete box beam web plate stress

    混凝土箱梁 腹板 力状态的模拟分析

  • Through real production eccentricity of H-section steel web plate was held in check .

    经过实际操作,使H型钢的 腹板偏心缺陷得到良好的控制。

  • The test results have shown that the design of S-shaped web plate wheels is rational and has reduced the deformed amount due to quenching in the course of manufacturing . Not only the manufacturing accuracy of wheels but also the distribution of residual Stress has been improved .

    测试结果表明,S形 车轮设计合理,减少了制造时淬火变形量,不仅提高了车轮制造精度,而且改善了残余应力的分布。

  • Then multiple factor analysis of OSC including the thickness of outer shell flange plate and web plate of T-shaped members with or without ribbed stiffeners is carried out .

    采用有限元模型对外套管式节点进行包括外套管厚度、T型件翼缘厚度、T型件 腹板厚度以及有无加劲肋的多因素分析,分析总结了这些因素对节点性能的影响。

  • It consists of wave style steel web plate in the middle and reinforced concrete plate in both side . The form of the structure is the same with traditional ribbed beam hollow floor . The transverse shear is bore by the corrugated steel web plate .

    该楼盖由上下钢筋混凝土板与中部的波纹钢 腹板 结合而成,结构形式与传统密肋梁空心楼盖相同,其波纹钢腹板主要承受横向剪力。

  • The synthesis comparison web plate altitude ledger wall thickness web plate thickness kneading board thickness and concrete slab thickness and finally carries on the optimized design analysis to the composite beam .

    综合比较 腹板高度,底板厚度,腹板厚度,顶面板厚度和混凝土板厚度等因素对组合梁的影响并最终进行优化设计分析。

  • Main diseases and reinforcement method of current box girder web plate are discussed after years of service .

    主要阐述了目前预应力混凝土连续箱梁在多年的运营中,箱梁 腹板的主要病害及其加固方法。

  • The inspection result shows that the defects of surface cracking etc. can be found effectively with the magnetic memory technology and the possibility of damage on rolling stock wheel web plate holes can be predicted .

    检测结果表明,磁记忆技术可以有效地发现表面裂纹等缺陷,并且能对铁道车辆车轮 孔产生破坏的可能性进行预测。

  • Based on this the paper selects typical welding joint in the shipbuilding process mainly including the butt welding of web plate the butt welding of panel the butt welding of plate the angle joint of plate and web plate .

    基于此本文选取船体建造过程中典型的焊接对接接头,该焊接接头主要由 平板的对接、 腹板的对接、面板的对接以及腹板和平板的角接组成。

  • Comparative research on mechanical behaviors of slotted standard steel studs in web plate


  • Design Method of Steel Girders Considering the Post-buckling Strength of Web Plate

    考虑 腹板屈曲后强度的钢梁设计方法

  • Optimized Design and Calculation of Diameter and Web Plate of Wheel of 25t Axle Load Freight Car

    货车25t轴重车轮轮径和 的优化设计及计算

  • Ribbed beam with steel web plate is suitable for industrial production and can be assembled conveniently at the site through reasonable design . This also meets the requirement of floor structure in the process of building industrialization .


  • The difference between this anchor-box and traditional anchor-boxes is that the support plates connect with both of the fairing plate and web plate .

    该锚箱与传统钢锚箱区别在于其支承板分别与钢箱梁边纵 腹板和风嘴板连接。

  • The profile butt-welding is the most typical welding structure of ship welding it includes the butt welding of outer plate the butt welding of panel the butt welding of web plate the angle joint of outer plate and web plate .

    型材对接焊是船舶焊接中最典型的焊接结构,包含了外板的对接焊缝、面板的对接焊缝、 腹板的对接焊缝和腹板与外板的角接缝四条焊缝。

  • The dynamic characteristics analysis of corrugated sheet web plate PC combined box beam

    波形钢 腹板PC组合箱梁的动力特性分析

  • The Railway wheel generated fatigue cracks at the wheel web plate holes which would arouse safe servicing problem .

    铁路货车轮在 孔处产生疲劳裂纹,影响安全运行。

  • Design principle and procedure of web plate in I-section Members of light steel portal frames are given in this article .

    介绍轻型门式框架I形截面钢构件 腹板的设计原则和方法。