well informed

[wɛl ɪnˈfɔrmd][wel ɪnˈfɔ:md]

[法] 消息灵通的,博识的,得有确实消息的

  • I think you are as well informed as I am about the market for chemical fertilizers .

    当我为化学的肥料是有关市场的事时候,我认为你被恐怕 最好 告知

  • She 's an extremely well informed woman .

    她是位极富 知识 情况 了解很多的女人。

  • To the extent possible our imagery and visualization creations present a picture that is well informed interesting and attractive .

    公司的图像和视觉化创新产品能够以最大程度强化了图像的 信息性、趣味性和无穷魅力。

  • The soldiers were well informed about the ringleaders of the protest .

    士兵们对这次抗议活动的带头者已经 了如指掌

  • According to many well informed people this is a sure sign of telepathic hypnosis .

    根据很多 见多识广的人所说,这是心灵感应术的催眠状态的真实标记。

  • Of course I do . I am well informed .

    当然了,我 消息灵通啊。

  • Again we are forced to educate ourselves so that the decisions we make will be well informed .

    再一次,我们被迫自我教育,令我们所作出更有 远见的决定。

  • If written communication is used your staff will be well informed .

    如果用书写沟通会更 有效 通知你的员工。

  • You know good networking means staying well informed support and synergy .

    你知道良好的社交手段意味着 消息灵通、支持与协同。

  • His version of events while professional and well informed can scarcely be taken at face value .

    他对一些事件的叙述,既 内行 熟悉 情况,我们不能从表面价值去理解它。

  • We are living in a world too well informed .

    我们生活的这个世界上 消息灵通了。

  • Keep well informed of all promotions and specials .


  • Without Hong Kong we would not be well informed to say the least .

    如果没有香港,起码我们信息就不 灵通

  • All the participants got the chance to learn from each other and also were well informed in the meeting about our new product strategy and our new goal .

    所有参加者有机会互相学习并且很 了解了我们新的产品策略和工作目标。

  • People generally are not very well informed about the richness of Africa Hefley says .

    “人们一般并不很了解非洲的丰富内涵。” Hefley说。

  • You will be well informed about the situation but may not know everying .

    你会 了解一些情况,但并不是所有的内容。

  • This reminds us that we must keep people well informed of the facts about flu .

    这提醒我们必须让人们 充分 了解有关流感的事实。

  • In my opinion the most important is frequent communication and keeping staff well informed .

    我觉得最重要的是经常交流,对员工保持 信息 透明

  • I found him surprisingly well informed on current world politics .

    我发现他对于当前世界政治惊人地 熟悉

  • He was never dull always erudite and well informed .

    他从来就不愚笨,而是一直博学多才、 见多识广

  • That way when these come to a head in mid-September and it 's time for you to intervene you 'll be well informed enough to do so .

    那样的话,当九月中旬事情成熟,你 掌握了足够多的 信息,就是你该插手的时候了。

  • Consumers are supposed to be well informed .

    消费者被认为是具有 足够 知识的。

  • Keep well informed about technical new developments .

    及时 掌握产品技术发展最新情况。

  • So I ploughed through two pages of questions . How well informed did you feel about the charity ?

    于是我绞尽脑汁回答了整整两页纸的问题:你觉得对这个慈善机构 了解了多少?

  • Another important factor to consider is how to make sure the partners pass on information obtained from superiors clients or staff and keep each other well informed .

    另一个重要的考虑因素是怎样确保搭档从上级、客户或员工那里获取信息并相互传递,并且保持相互之间 消息灵通传递。

  • The prime minister told reporters he was not well informed and could not immediately discuss the downgrade .

    首相对记者们说,他“不 了解 情况”,因此无法对降级做出立即评论。

  • We must keep ourselves well informed .

    我们要保持 消息灵通

  • The changes may sound rather frightening to some of you who have not yet been so well informed .

    这些变化对那些没有被很 知晓的人们直接接受可能多少回有些害怕的成分。