water tank


  • The simulation of temperature and velocity field in heat storage water tank

    热泵热水器用蓄热 水箱内温度场和速度场的模拟研究

  • At last the benefit evaluation is made and an idea to enlarge the application with the water tank test is put forward .

    最后,进行了效益评价并提出了扩大技术应用围和进行 水槽实验的完善思路。

  • Features : It can be applied to the water tanks of automobiles tractors and other water tanks with cooling system .

    水箱清洗剂( Water TankCleaner)本品特点:汽车,拖拉机和其他有冷却系统的水箱均能使用。

  • Floating ball that controls level in a water tank .

    控制 水箱中的水位的飘浮的球。

  • The reference value of structural design of height adjustment supporting device of the cooling water tank is pointed out .

    本冷却 水槽中高度调节支撑架装置的结构设计具有参考价值。

  • Regular check and clean the air-con system and water tank and renew the antifreeze fluid when necessary .

    定期检查并清洁空调系统和 水箱,必要时更换防冻液。

  • The design thoughts and methods for heavy water tank and Guiding tank of China Advanced Research Reactor ( CARR ) are introduced in this paper .

    本文介绍了CARR堆本体中重 水箱和导流箱的设计思想和解决方案。

  • This paper compares this form of supply with electrical boiled water tank by using dynamic annual computation cost .

    本文利用动态的年计算费用法将这种供应形式与电 开水 进行了比较。

  • The heat insulating water tank is further provided with a water level indicating device .

    所说的保温 水箱上还有一个出气口和一个保温水箱出水口,后者连接淋浴装置;

  • The southeastern corner under the water tank entirely collapsed .


  • This phenomenon has been observed in the water tank experiment and verified by linear theory and numerical simulation .

    该现象已经得到 水槽试验、线性理论和数值试验的验证。

  • Steam generator water tank drain The canister is filled with activated charcoal .

    蒸汽发生器 水罐放水口蒸气回收罐中充满了活性炭。

  • The big water tank carries on the internal division more convenient user recycling grinding compound .


  • It is equipped with duster connected to the water tank .

    本系列机床工作过程是干磨削,有带 水箱的吸尘器与之连通。

  • It protects the water tank and all cooling system part throughout the year .

    一年四季呵护 水箱及所有散热系统部件。

  • A building is constructed with a bulk water tank .

    建筑物里修建了大 水箱

  • This paper presents an experiment for measuring the acoustic energy loss in the sand bed in water tank .

    介绍了测量声波穿透沙层后能量损失的 水池实验。

  • A.expansion water tank cleaning .

    膨胀 水箱的清洗。

  • The utility model is mainly used in the auto water level control of water tank or water tower .

    本实用新型主要用于 蓄水池或水塔水位的自动控制。

  • There are clean the water tank cleaning system cleaning pumps precision filter components .

    清洗系统主要有清洗 水箱、清洗水泵、精密过滤器组成。

  • A return pipe is arranged between the reclaimed water tank and the water-air pump .


  • Simultaneously a circulation water tank and a pipeline are omitted .

    同时,省去了循环 水箱及管道等。

  • The steam generating device comprises a water pump connected with water outlet of the water tank via a pipe .

    所述的蒸汽发生装置包括一个水泵,所述的水泵通过一管道连接在 水箱的出水口处;

  • Water tank design water and rain proof ;


  • Walk towards the sarcophagus and note the water tank on bottom left of lock .

    走向石棺,并注意对 水箱底部的锁了。

  • A multifunctional water tank for a urinal belongs to the urinal flush water tank for a washroom .

    多用途便池 水箱,属卫生间用便池冲水水箱。

  • Rust has already bitten into the water tank .

    铁锈已经把 水箱腐蚀了。

  • The device comprises brackets for mounting a bedpan and a water tank of a toilet pan ;

    该装置具有安装坐便器的便盆和 水箱的托架;