water supply

[ˈwɔtɚ səˈplaɪ][ˈwɔ:tə səˈplai]


  • Our water supply has been cut off again .

    我们的 供水又被切断。

  • Cleaning up the water supply is their top priority

    清洁 供水 系统是他们的当务之急。

  • Ischia was now connected to the mainland water supply .


  • The new minister 's brief is to insure that the water supply is unproved .

    新部长指示要确定改进 供水状况。

  • The SCADA control system in the project of city water supply is introduced .

    介绍了某 供水工程SCADA控制系统的设计方案。

  • The water supply to the cistern was turned off .

    抽水马桶水箱的 水源关掉了。

  • This article briefly discusses the technical application of Delta VFD-F series inverter in constant pressure water supply control system .

    本文对台达VFD-F系列变频器在恒压 供水控制系统中的应用相关技术作粗略讨论。

  • The technical water supply system for the Shahe Pumped-storage Power Station has the problem of insufficient pressure and discharge .

    沙河抽水蓄能电站技术 供水系统存在压力和流量不足的问题。

  • Poisonous smoke had got into the water supply

    毒烟已经进入 供水 系统

  • The system is high pressure ( often high-pressure ) fire-fighting water supply system .

    该系统是高压(常高压)消防 给水系统。

  • The application of programmable logic controller ( PLC ) in water supply system of thermal power plant is introduced .

    介绍了可编程控制器(PLC)在发电厂 自动 供水系统中的应用情况。

  • The same is true of water supply and sanitation services .


  • His company is preparing to shut down in the event that their water supply is cut off

    假如 供水被切断,他所在的公司就准备关闭。

  • To evaluate and quantify the economic benefits attributable to improvements in water supply and sanitation in rural India .

    评估和量化印度农村地区的 供水和卫生方面的改善带来的经济效益。

  • Invests in the fields of water supply sewage and rubbish processing calzada electric power plant etc.

    投资于 供水、污水和垃圾处理、公路、电厂等领域。

  • In2007 using a subsidy mechanism Morocco designed and implemented a water supply and sanitation OBA pilot .

    2007年,摩洛哥通过一项补贴机制设计和实施了一个 供水和卫生OBA试验项目。

  • This course examines the policy and planning for the provision of water supply and sanitation services in developing countries .

    本课程研究在发展中国家 供水与卫生设施服务的政策和规划。

  • An investigation revealed that toxic wastes had leaked into the ground and contaminated the water supply .

    一项调查显示,有毒的废弃物渗进了土壤,污染了 水源

  • The water supply is adequate for many purposes and for many regions .


  • The town is without electricity and the water supply has been cut off .

    镇上已 停水断电。

  • Flow control valves are installed in the water supply pipeline .

    流量控制阀设置在 给水管线中。

  • It also considered their effects on water supply land use wildlife and resource availability .

    它还考虑了它们对于 资源 供应、陆地使用、野生生物和资源可用性的影响。

  • Except the food and water supply the short of toilet is a big problem after the disaster .

    除了食品和 供应,厕所短缺是灾后面临的一个大问题。

  • The design of water supply system drainage system and fire control system were described in this paper .

    叙述了太原某住宅楼的 给水、排水以及消防系统的设计。

  • A kind of new remote measuring and controlling terminal system for the water supply of railway station is introduced .

    介绍了一种新型铁路 供水远程测控系统的设计方案,详细地说明了远程测控终端系统的硬件电路和软件设计。

  • The bathrooms and toilets are all public and have no hot water supply .

    浴室和厕所都是公用的,而且没有 热水 供应

  • Insulate Your Assets-Shut off the water supply to the irrigation system and protect the main shutoff valve against freezing .

    绝缘您的资产,切断 供应,灌溉系统和保护对冻结的主要截止阀。

  • The water line ruptured and paralyzed the city 's water supply system .

    水管路线使城市的 供水系统破裂和瘫痪。

  • Many towns and villages had their water supply cut off because there was no electricity .

    因为没有电,所以许多城镇和村庄都断了 水源