weighted model

[ˈwetɪd ˈmɑdl][ˈweitid ˈmɔdəl]

[计] 加权模型

  • According to the principle of fuzzy transform using the weighted average model the sealing of the main faults of Ken East fracture zone is made fuzzy comprehensive evaluation .

    根据模糊变换原理,采用 加权平均 模型对垦东断裂带主要断层的封闭性进行模糊综合评判。

  • Beside through the comparison of predict effects different models like new information model information renewal model weighted model and residual error model are founded .

    通过对不同模型的预测效果比较,还分别给出了新信息模型、新陈代谢模型、 加权 模型、残差模型进行挠度预测时的适用数据类型。

  • First a weighted model of combining P M diffusion with coherence enhancing diffusion is built which emphasizes particularly on coherence enhancing diffusion at edges of an image while on P M diffusion at the other part .

    模型在图像边缘部分侧重于相干增强扩散,其余部分则侧重于 P2M扩散。

  • This paper made profound research on virus spreading behavior in weighted networks based on the weighted network model and cellular automata method .

    本文基于 赋权网络 模型和元胞自动机方法对赋权网络中的病毒传播演化行为进行了深入研究。

  • The study involved a new weighted model building for classifier multi-class classification parameter selection method the sample reduction method and so on .

    研究内容涉及新的 加权 分类器 模型的构建、多类分类方法、参数选择方法、样本约简方法等方面。

  • The Weighted Sum Model with Variable Weight Based on Attribute Coordinate System

    基于属性坐标的变权 加权 模型

  • Application of Multi-Proposal Weighted Model in Fitting Complicated Stage-Discharge Relation

    多方案 加权 模型在拟合复杂水位流量关系中的理论分析及实践探讨

  • Research on forecasting building displacement with GM ( 1 ) weighted model

    GM( 1加权 模型预测建筑物沉降的研讨

  • This paper introduces the global stationary test of regression relation and the stationary test of each regression coefficient changes with spatial location in geographically weighted regression model by theory of least squares estimate .

    利用最小二乘估计理论,给出了在地理 加权回归 模型(GWR 模型)中回归关系的全局平稳性检验方法和各回归系数随空间位置变化的平稳性检验方法。

  • Firstly the MAD is predicted by a new time and space weighted model . Secondly macroblock layer rate control strategy is used to distribute target bit .

    首先,用时空 加权 模型来预测MAD;然后,采用宏块层码率控制策略来分配目标比特;最后,依然采用JVT-G012中的二次R-Q模型计算QP。

  • In the traditional DTC system three estimation models of the stator flux are discussed in detail and the weighted model is designed both of which serve to get precise stator flux in full-speed operation .

    在传统直接转矩控制系统中,详细讨论了定子磁链估计的三种基本模型,设计了定子磁链估计的 加权 模型,使电机在全速运行的范围内都能够得到准确的定子磁链。

  • Cue weighted diagnosis model for interacting defects and case study in pediatric cardiology

    多缺陷交互下的 加权诊断 模型及儿童心脏缺陷实例分析

  • Weighted Model and Realization of Fuzzy Reliability Apportionment Optimization Based on Genetic Algorithm

    基于遗传算法的模糊可靠性分配 加权 模型及其实现

  • Evaluation Method for Node Importance of Power Grid Based on the Weighted Network Model

    基于有 网络 模型的电力网节点重要度评估

  • This paper is the discussion on how large the increments and the modulus of non-differentiability of a Wiener Process on the condition of a linear weighted model .

    本论文是对Wiener过程在 加权线性 组合下的增量有多大和不可微分模两项内容进行的 研究

  • Using geostatistical techniques the analysis results of the mixed weighted model based on GIS was also concluded in our study .

    根据混合 加权 计算结果,利用地统计方法,在GIS的支持下,得出天津城郊混合 加权的分析结果。

  • Influence measure and correlation coefficient in weighted regression model

    加权回归 模型中的影响度量与相关系数

  • Objective weighted model for evaluating dynamic eco-environmental comprehensive quality of Chaohu lake basin

    巢湖流域生态环境质量动态综合评价的客观 赋权

  • The fuzzy comprehensive - weighted average model was constructed which was valuable to improve the precision of assessment .

    通过建立模糊综合& 加权平均 模型,提高了评价结果的精度。

  • The Study of Spatial Weighted Network Model and Strength-degree Correlation

    空间 加权网络 模型及权度相关性研究

  • Influence Analysis in Multivariate Weighted Linear Model

    多元 加权线性 模型的影响分析

  • According to the characteristic and virtues of all methods a synthetic evaluating method based on integration evaluating method was developed linear weighted model was used and a just overall and systemic evaluation was consequently implemented .

    根据各项评价方法的特点,旨在发挥各项评价方法的优势,使用了一种基于综合评价理论的综合性评价方法,采用了线性 加权 模型,实现了对文摘系统的公正、全面、系统的评价。

  • The ratio of variance and generalized variance are used as the influence measures to examine the influence of data rejecting on weighted regression model from the point of efficiency of estimate .

    用方差比和广义方差比作为影响度量,从估计效率角度研究数据的剔除对 加权回归 模型的影响。

  • Simulation results show that the precision of the weighted model is comparable to that of the linear model .

    仿真结果表明,提出的 加权 模型与线性模型预测精度基本相当;

  • The KL distance weighted CV model based on local neighborhood information is proposed on the basis of above models .

    因此本文在以上模型的基础上引入了局部邻域信息,提出了基于KL距离 加权和局部邻域信息的CV 模型

  • Based on experiment and the problems of calculation and composition of damage effect about artillery weapon performance this paper puts forward the exponent model and weighted mean model .

    根据试验结果和武器性能对毁伤效能的计算和排序问题,给出了计算炮兵武器毁伤效能的指数法模型和 加权平均 模型

  • This method uses the simple °° - norm to compute the distance between two points and builds the weighted model in the neighborhood which can better correct the position of data points in phase space to approximate the real chaotic attractor trajectories more closely .

    该方法采用更为简单的∞-范数计算两点之间的距离,并且通过建立邻域内点的 加权 模型更好地校正相空间中点的位置,使其逼近真实的混沌奇异吸引子轨迹。