weighted average

[ˈwetɪd ˈævərɪdʒ][ˈweitid ˈævəridʒ]


  • Therefore weighted average costs fall between the extreme cost figures that can result from other methods .

    因而, 加权 平均成本处在从其他方法中可能得出的较大和较小的成本数字之间。

  • The band width of error entropy donut can be determined by weighted average error entropy of all line segments .

    误差熵环的带宽取构成边界线的各线段误差熵的 加权 平均

  • Weighted average of the official rate of the rouble to the US dollar

    卢布对美元的官方汇率的 加权 平均

  • In the formula the weighted average number of common shares outstanding must be computed based on the issue time of the common shares .

    在这个公式中,发行在外的普通股 加权 平均股数必须以普通股票发行的时间为基础计算。

  • With the aim of limiting funds ' exposure to interest rates and other risks the proposals would shorten the maximum weighted average maturity of a fund 's portfolio to 60 days from 90 days .

    本着限制货币市场基金的利率及其它风险敞口的目标,该提案将把这些基金投资组合的最大 加权 平均到期期限从90天缩短至60天。

  • The All Hong Kong Residential Price Index a weighted average of the three sub indices including the HKU-HRPI is offered at 650 basis points over HIBOR or roughly 10.5 per cent .

    全香港住宅价格指数(AllHongKongResidentialPriceIndex)是包括HKU-HRPI在内的三个分项指数的 加权 平均 。该指数相对于香港银行同业拆息的利差为650个基点,约合10.5%。

  • The data are a weighted average from the2004 and2006 surveys and are presented as a rank .

    其数值为2004、2005和2006年调查得出的毕业生推荐次数的 加权 平均数,以排名形式出现。

  • Weighted average increment incremental pay scale system

    递增薪额 加权 平均数值按年增薪的薪级制度

  • According to the principle of fuzzy transform using the weighted average model the sealing of the main faults of Ken East fracture zone is made fuzzy comprehensive evaluation .

    根据模糊变换原理,采用 加权 平均模型对垦东断裂带主要断层的封闭性进行模糊综合评判。

  • Weighted average market capitalization a stock market index weighted by the value of all shares outstanding for each stock .

    加权 平均总市值根据每种股票的已发行股票的价值作调整的股票市场价值。

  • To improve the image display quality on DTV an adaptive deinterlacing algorithm for digital video with two hierarchical weighted average results is proposed .

    为提高数字电视的图像显示质量,提出了一种数字视频的运动自适应加边缘检测的两级 加权求和去隔行算法。

  • Grid Resource Allocation-Pricing Based on Weighted Average

    基于 加权 平均的网格资源分配与定价

  • The weighted average cost represents to some degree the various costs experienced in accumulating the goods currently on hand .

    加权 平均成本在某种程度上代表了现存商品在流转过程中所发生的各种成本。

  • Per-unit value weighted average combined variable generated method for mid-long term power load forecasting

    标么值 加权 平均组合变量生成法用于中长期电力负荷预测

  • The trade stream is then aggregated and operated on to calculate the volume weighted average price ( VWAP ) .

    然后交易流 合并 进行 运算来计算成交量加权平均价( volume weighted average priceVWAP)。

  • Volume Weighted Average Price .

    批量 加权 平均价。

  • The improved algorithm combines the local energy selection and weighted average fusion rule by using the phase information of window center pixel .

    改进算法利用了窗口中心像索的相位信息,将基于局部能量的选择和 加权 平均融合规则相结合。

  • The weighted average is the sum of the values but each weighted by a certain coefficient .

    加权 平均是这些数值的总和,但是每一个数值都要乘以一个固定的系数。

  • There are two methods to calculate the equivalent units : FIFO and weighted average method .

    计算约当产量通常有先进先出法和 加权 平均法两种方法。

  • Generalization of weighted average intermediate theorem and its asymptotic property for intermediate point ;

    为了较科学、直观地综合评定专家意见,本文 采用加权 平均法。

  • Secondly for the low frequency subband coefficients we present a fusion rule based on the directional vector normal combined with the weighted average ;

    其后,针对低频子带系数的选择,提出了一种基于方向向量模和 加权 平均相结合的融合规则;

  • A project manager obtains weighted average duration estimates from the team to aciculate activity duration .

    一个项目经理通过计算项目组成员提供的活动历时估算的 加权 平均 来得到活动历时。

  • The technical definition of variance is the random variable 's second central moment the weighted average of the square of the differences from the expected value .

    3方差的专业定义是随机变量的二次中心矩,与期望值之差的平方的 加权 平均

  • During the evaluation the weight of the factors and each hierarchy is decided by improved analytic hierarchy process ( AHP ) and the fuzzy operational criterion adopts weighted average method .

    评估过程中以改进的层次分析法确定不同层次和因素的重要度,以 加权 平均方法为模糊运算准则。

  • The index measures the cost of an expatriate lifestyle in over 130 cities using a weighted average of the prices of 160 products and services .

    该指数用160种产品和服务的 加权 平均 衡量了130多个城市的居住成本。

  • First two images to be fused take the wavelet transform weighted average method can be used to obtain the low-frequency fused components ;

    首先,对两幅待融合图像进行小波变换,采用 平均 加权的方法来获得融合后的低频分量;

  • Then the method was realized by combining the weighted average gray algorithm adaptive optimal threshold algorithm and improved adaptive fuzzy multilevel median filter algorithm .

    然后,结合 加权 平均 灰度化算法、自适应最佳阈值算法和改进的自适应模糊多级中值滤波算法实现上述方法。

  • Height weighted average LOD algorithm based on vertex degree

    基于顶点度的高程 加权 平均LOD算法

  • Votes weighted according to the size of constituencies ; a law weighted in favor of landlords ; a weighted average .

    根据选民数量进行加权的得票数;做了有利于地主的调整的法律; 加权 平均

  • Increase in amount number or intensity weighted average increment

    (金额、数量或强度的)增加递增薪额 加权 平均数值