water soluble

[ˈwɔtɚ ˈsɑljəbəl][ˈwɔ:tə ˈsɔljubl]

[化] 水溶的,水溶性的

  • Suspension bed hydrocracking technology and water soluble catalyst were used for upgrading of atmospheric residue from Dagang oil field .

    采用悬浮床加氢技术和 分散催化剂对大港常压渣油进行了轻质化和改质研究。

  • Effects of N and P Application on Available Nutrients and Water Soluble Salt Ions in the Greenhouse Soil

    施用不同水平氮、钾素对温室土壤有效养分及 盐分离子的影响

  • This perfected water soluble cream completely removes makeup and environmental grime without leaving greasy residue .

    完美的 乳霜,能彻底卸妆及去除尘垢,感觉柔润不油腻。

  • Water soluble natural gas is the potential unconventional resource .


  • The method can be used to determine Cadmium in water soluble paint sample .

    研究了 漆中镉的原子吸收法分析。

  • The forms of the lead in lead dust from the production of black and white kinescope glass shell and its water soluble and acid soluble extraction toxicity are studied .

    研究了黑白显像管玻壳生产中产生的含铅粉尘的 、酸溶性、浸出毒性和铅的存在形态。

  • Generally the ionizable salt of the drug is more water soluble than the free acid or free base .


  • Although NF3 is not water soluble many of the toxic by-products such as HF are water soluble .

    尽管NF3不 ,许多的有毒副产品,如HF是可溶于水的。

  • These properties are less important for solution dosage forms and for drug substances which are highly water soluble .

    这些性质对溶液剂型和高 水溶 的原料药不重要。

  • Watermelon 's peel was used as raw material to develop a functional beverage rich in water soluble dietary fiber .

    采用西瓜翠衣为原料,研制富含 膳食纤维的功能性饮料。

  • The average content of water soluble extraction were 20.51 % by cold dip and 36.6 % by hot dip ;

    冷浸法和热浸法 浸出物平均含量分别为20.51%和36.6%;

  • All kinds of production methods of water soluble fibers are introduced in this paper . Prospects for application of water soluble fibers is also discussed .

    论述了 性纤维的各种生产方法和应用情况,并展望了水溶 纤维的应用前景。

  • It was shown that the predominant species released from the sediment in a quiet water system were water soluble mercury hydrochloric acid soluble inorganic mercury and alkali soluble mercury and almost all the mercury species contributed for the release in disturbed system .

    研究表明,在静水体系中构成底泥汞释放的主要形态是 汞、酸溶态无机汞和碱溶态汞,而在扰动体系中,几乎所有形态汞都对释放作了贡献。

  • The Hypoglycemic Effect of Water Soluble Chitosan and the Studying of Its Mechanism


  • The Extraction of Water Soluble Protein and its Amino Acid Composition Analysis in Safflower Seed Meal

    红花籽粕 蛋白的提取与氨基酸组成分析

  • The paper researched preparation technology of two functional products with stabilized rice bran as a starting material water soluble rice nutrient and rice fiber concentrate .

    以稳定化米糠为原料,研究了 天然 稻米营养素和稻米浓缩纤维的制取工艺。

  • Ingredients : monimiaceae extract water soluble hesperidin fading agent chamomile stem cells hyaluronic acid etc.

    成份:杯轴花提取物、 橘皮苷、祛红血丝剂、洋甘菊干细胞、透明质酸等。

  • This paper studies the influences of water treatment temperature water treatment time and the heat-up process on the water solubility of the water soluble vinylon fiber .

    研究了水处理温度、水处理时间及升温过程对 维纶水溶解度的影响。

  • Comparision of water soluble components in Alpinia oxyphylla after volatile oil extraction

    不同方法提取益智挥发油后 成分的比较

  • Extraction processes for water soluble alkaloids from Rauvolfia vomitoria Afzel with various mixed solvent systems were described .

    用混合溶剂提取法研究催吐萝芙木 生物碱的浸提工艺。

  • Study and Synthesis of Physical Cross-linking Polyurethane Hydrogel ; Synthesis and Properties of Hydrogels Based on Water Soluble Chitosan Derivative

    物理交联型聚氨酯 水凝胶的合成与研究壳聚糖衍生物水凝胶的合成和性能表征

  • With starch based size an enzyme solution is used to break down the size into water soluble sugars .


  • In this paper we report the water soluble antioxidant abstract from useless coffee bean .

    本文研究了从等外品咖啡豆提取 食品抗氧化剂。

  • Small admixture completely water soluble low alkali apparent reducing effect on the alkali-aggregate reaction .

    掺量小、载体、 、碱,对碱一骨料反应有明显的减少作用。

  • Once the compound was completely assembled the researchers found a way to then make it water soluble .

    以前化合物完全是聚集在一起的,研究员找到使其 水中的方法。

  • Effect of Fertilization on Water Soluble Organic Carbon and Mineralization of Organic Carbon in Mollisols

    长期施肥对黑土 碳含量和碳矿化的影响

  • Correlation Research between Water Soluble Fluorine Total Fluorine and pH Value of Tea-Plating Soil

    茶园土壤 氟与全氟和pH值的相关性研究

  • Vitamin C is water soluble .

    维生素C 可溶

  • The substantivity of water soluble dyestuff in pad dyer plays an important role .

    在浸轧机中以 染料染色时,染料的直接上染性起着重要的作用。