watt-hour meter

[ˈwɑtˈaʊr ˈmitɚ][ˈwɔtˈaʊə ˈmi:tə]


  • Wei could Group sales in Hong Kong and China exclusive agents of the Israeli production company SATEC electric watt-hour meter and a series of devices equipment .

    伟能集团在香港及中国独家代理销售以色列SATEC公司生产的 及电 等一系列配套设备。

  • It is applicable for metering box watt-hour meter box complete cubicle transformer substation etc.

    适用于计量箱, 电表箱,成套柜体,变电站;

  • Design of Intelligent Multi-rate Watt-hour Meter Based on MSP430 Single Chip

    基于MSP430单片机的智能型复费率 单相 设计

  • Serial communication between computer and multifunction Watt-hour meter

    计算机与多种多功能 的串行通信控制

  • The mechanical watt-hour meter doesn t fit time-sharing accounting so it becomes necessary to develop long-lived time-sharing accounting and high-tech watt-hour meter .

    传统的机械 电度表已不能满足分时电价政策的需要,因此开发寿命长、分时计费、多功能高科技型电度表成为必然要求。

  • In order to achieve accurate measurement under normal load and lower load this paper produces a project of three-phase watt-hour meter with real-time subsection according to load power .

    以实现超低负荷和正常负荷两种情况下的精确计量为目标,提出实时分段计量的 电度表设计方案。

  • The Research and Design of Watt-hour Meter Based on IC MSP430 and Interoperability Protocol

    基于MSP430和互操作性协议的 研究与设计

  • It wasn 't until a decade after municipal electrical networks were up and running that another inventor came up with a reliable watt-hour meter .

    直到差不多十年之后,到市政府的电网建立起来投入使用的时候,才有另外一个人发明出了一种可靠的 瓦特- 小时

  • The following is a full range of electronic watt-hour meter and power quality measurement equipment .

    下面是全系列的电子 和电力质量测量设备。

  • The Design of CPU Card Prepayment Watt-hour Meter Base on Power Line Carrier Communication

    基于电力线载波通信的CPU卡预付费 的设计

  • The primary goal of this research is to develop a Multi-purpose Watt-hour Meter to adapt to the new management mode .

    为配合新的管理方式,我们设计了一款多功能 载波 通讯 电表

  • This paper compares the main differences of the induction watt-hour meter with electronic energy meter in the structure operation principle and performance .

    比较了感应 和电子 能表在结构、工作原理和性能等方面的主要差别。

  • In this paper the centralized management system of watt-hour meter reading is introduced which is composed of computer repeaters acquisition terminals watt-hour meters and radio communication stations .

    介绍了采用计算机、中继器、采集终端、用户电表和无线通讯电台构成的一种 电表 管理系统。

  • This paper deals with the practical application of the newly developed stochastic watt-hour meter .

    这纸处理崭新发展的随机 程序 瓦时 公尺的实际申请。

  • Investigation of watt-hour meter system database based on radio frequency identification and wireless sensor networks

    基于射频识别无线传感器网络的 系统数据库研究

  • The Design of Electronic Watt-hour Meter and Automatic Meter Reading System ; Study of Long-Range and Centralized Automatic Metering Reading for Water Meter Based on GPRS

    电子 系列以及集中抄表系统的设计开发基于GPRS的水表远程集中抄表系统研究

  • Verification of Inner Data of Multi-function Watt-hour Meter through RS-485 Interface

    通过多功能 RS-485接口 对表内数据的验证

  • Development and Application of Communication Protocol Automatic Inspection System for Electronic Watt-hour Meter

    电子 通信规约自动检验系统的研制及应用

  • Probe into the Detection Technology of Civil Watt-hour Meter in Well-off Society

    关于小康社会民用 电度表检定技术的探讨

  • Multiple-user Watt-hour Meter Automatic Meter Reading system based on Ethernet

    基于以太网的多用户 自动抄表系统

  • Aimed at some problems in electricity charge administration at present we develop an intelligent prepay watt-hour meter which based on PIC micro controller .


  • Watt-Hour Meter A watt-hour meter records the total power output at a specific point in a system . Typical recording increment is in kW-hours .


  • Three-phase four-wire watt-hour meter

    三相四线有功 电度表

  • A three-phase watt-hour meter with function of piecewise measuring in real time is designed and realized .


  • The Characteristics of the Technical Specification for the Multi-function Watt-hour Meter and the Analysis for the Acceptance Test

    多功能 技术规范的特点及验收检测情况分析

  • Reactive measurement of electronic multi-function watt-hour meter

    全电子式多功能 的无功计量分析

  • The Designing and Realization of The Programmed Calibrator of Three Phases Watt-hour Meter ; Research of MAP on Energy Meter Testing at Site

    程控 三相 校验装置的设计与实现 能表现场校验计量保证方案(MAP)研究

  • Researches on Multi-function Watt-hour Meter Based on A New Type of Electronic Current Transducer

    基于新型电子式电流传感器的多功能 的研究

  • The Application and Prospect of Watt-hour Meter with CPU Power Line Carrier and Prepayment

    CPU载波预付费 的应用及前景