wave mechanics

[wev mɪˈkænɪks][weiv mɪˈkænɪks]


  • A detailed treatment of this topic can be found in numerous books dealing with the wave mechanics of solids .

    有关这个题目的详细论证可以查阅讨论固体 动力学的几本书。

  • Almost overnight the field of wave mechanics was born .

    几乎是在一夜之间, 动力学这个学科就诞生了。

  • Based on impact mechanics model of piston inverse design method of impact piston is proposed by using wave mechanics and characteristic line theory which the profile of impact piston can be determined from the stress wave given .

    基于冲击活塞的撞击力学模型,应用 动力学和特征线理论,提出了由给定的应力波计算冲击活塞形状的动态反演设计方法。

  • Came back and just after New Year's1926 and gave us wave mechanics .

    在1926年的新年后回来了6,并给我们了 动力学

  • In this paper based on the theory of percussive drilling the following optimum design of hydraulic rock drills are studied with the application of wave mechanics .

    冲击钻进用金刚石复合材料本论文在冲击凿岩的理论基础上,应用 动力学 理论,研究了冲击凿岩系统优化设计中的一些问题。

  • The parameter differentiation method is used to solve a class of dissipative nonlinear differential equations governing wave phenomena in fluid mechanics and is obtained an approximate solution which is consistent to the conclusion of qualitative analysis .

    利用高阶微分法求解一类耗散占优的 流体 波动问题控制方程,得到了与定性分析结论相符的近似解析解。

  • Debate of the postulations of wave mechanics and explanation of quantum mechanics


  • The establishment of the basic principles of matrix mechanics and wave mechanics is fully described .

    本文根据 物理学 资料,较为详细地给出了 量子 力学的两种表述形式,即矩阵力学与 动力学的基本理论的建立过程。

  • Ultra-pressure shock wave measurement of explosion mechanics puts forward higher requirements on dynamic pressure sensor .

    爆炸 力学超压冲击 测量,对动态压力传感器提出了更高的要求。

  • Wave mechanics of mechanical impact system

    冲击机械系统的 波动 力学研究

  • The establishment of matrix mechanics and wave mechanics and the enlightenment

    矩阵力学与 动力学的建立及其启示

  • On the other hand the research of ocean water simulation is significant not only for computer graphics but also for hydraulics hydrodynamics wave mechanics and oceanography research .

    另一方面,从科学研究的角度上说,海水的模拟研究不仅仅在计算机图形学领域具有重要的意义,同时对于水力学、流体力学、 动力学、海洋学等都具有重要的实际意义。

  • According to seismic wave dynamic mechanics the reasonable nonlinear mapping relationship between seismic record and logging data has been established .

    根据 地震 力学 理论,建立了地震记录和测井数据之间的非线性映射关系,并据此构建了测井曲线。

  • Wave mechanics equation for the blow process of the hammer

    锻锤工作过程的 波动 力学方程

  • Wave mechanics analysis of the matching relationships of impact pile driving system

    冲击沉桩系统匹配关系的 波动 力学分析

  • I want to get to this same place now by wave mechanics .

    我想用 动力学,来得到这些。

  • That is what he did over his Christmas vacation wave mechanics .

    这就是他在他圣诞节假期所做的, 动力学

  • The attempt is made to stress the relativistic property ef de Broglie wave in quantum mechanics .

    我们还特别强调量子 力学中deBroglie 的相对论性质。

  • The outburst process and conditions are analyzed by using stress wave and fracture mechanics . The outburst process can be divided into two stages .

    利用应力 、断裂 力学 理论对突出过程和条件进行分析,提出突出可分为两个过程。

  • Oh I got wave mechanics .

    哦,我得到了 动力学

  • I want to get there by wave mechanics to arrive at the same place .

    我想通过 动力学到达,与此相同的地方。

  • The double solutions correspond possibly to the wave-particle duality in quantum theory and connect the double solution theory of the nonlinear wave mechanics .

    双解可能对应于量子理论中的波-粒二象性,联系于非线性 动力学的双重解。

  • From the viewpoint of wave mechanics the interaction between the incident heat radiative wave and the damping harmonic oscillators in materials is analyzed to reveal the emission absorption transmission and reflection mechanism of incident heat radiative wave in materials .


  • Appliance of regularization to biparametric wave mechanics inversion computation

    正则化方法在双参数 波动 方程反演计算中的应用

  • Density functional theory is developed to calculate quantitatively the chemical bond . The theory is a new ab initio method other than matrix mechanics and wave mechanics .

    将密度函数理论发展用于化学键定量计算,这是一种既非矩阵力学亦非 动力学的新的量子 力学第一原理方法;

  • Linearized theory of wave phenomena in applied mechanics .

    应用 力学波动现象的线性理论。

  • Characteristic parameters of seismic wave mechanics ( including amplitude frequency phase and curvature of waveform ) fuzzy theory and pattern recognition technique are applied to structure interpretation of seismic data .

    该方法充分利用地震 动力学特征参数(包括振幅、频率、相位、波形曲率等),将模糊数学理论与模式识别技术应用到地震资料的构造解释中。

  • System dynamics equation are founded by wave mechanics and fragmentation energy theory . The relation among drill tool of impact system rock and drill technical parameter etc is discovered and models of rock resistance and the interaction of bit-rock are explored .

    利用 波动 理论和能量破碎理论建立系统动力学模型,找到冲击系统钻具、岩石、钻井技术参数等的联系,并对冲击载荷下岩石阻力模型和钻头与岩石互作用模型的建立进行探讨。

  • The debate caused by the five postulations in the process of establishment of wave mechanics and its explanation of quantum mechanics is briefly introduced from an angle of theory of knowledge for the sake of deepening the understanding of quantum mechanics .

    从认识论角度简介 动力学建立过程中的5条假设及对量子力学解释长期引起的争论,以加深对量子力学的认识和理解。

  • The geometric optics is particle mechanics of massless photon and the wave optics corresponds to wave mechanics of non-zero mass particle ( non-relativistic Schrodinger equation ) .

    几何光学就是零质量光子的质点力学,而波动光学则对应非零质量粒子的 波动 力学(非相对论的Schr¨odinger方程)。