

  • Heat transfer study on water-cooled surface air coolers ( 8 ): thermodynamic calculation theory and its research review

    水冷 表冷器传热研究(8):热力计算理论及其研究综述

  • Chiller chillers ice machines water machines water-cooled unit .

    冷水机,冷水机组,冰水机,水冷机, 水冷机组。

  • Machines use water-cooled devices and adjustment of water to users ideal casting speed .

    该机采用 水冷装置,并可调整水量,达到用户理想的浇注速度。

  • This article explores these considerations and discusses how an air or water-cooled system can help you optimize your MIG or TIG welding performance .

    本文探讨了这些因素,并探讨了如何空气或 水冷系统可以帮助你优化你还是米格TIG焊表现。

  • Based on a water-break protection requirement of water-cooled air compressor describes the principle selection and the advantages of the target flow switch are described .

    依据 水冷 空压机需要断水保护的要求,介绍了靶式流量开关的工作原理、选用方法以及在断水保护中的优势。

  • The water-cooled engine which transfers its heat to the heater provides a very easy and effective solution .

    水冷 发动机将其热量传递给加热器,这可以提供一种非常简单而有效的解决方案。

  • Research on Water-cooled Wall : One of Heat Insulation Measures of Building Exterior Wall in Summer

    夏季建筑外墙隔热措施 水冷幕墙的研究

  • Low noise low tremble water-cooled electric spindle .

    采用 藏式 水冷 高速电主轴,低噪音,低震动。

  • The engine is completely new design of water-cooled chain machine box and cover use compact structure easy to install cross-country motorcycle .

    全新设计的 链传动发动机,箱体和盖类采用紧凑结构方式,便于越野摩托车安装。

  • The magnetron tube had to be water-cooled so plumbing installations were also required .

    磁控管需要 用水 制冷,因而还需要安装一些管子。

  • Stability Analysis of a Simplified Model of Supercritical Water-Cooled System

    超临界 热力系统的稳定性的简化模型分析

  • Induction coil by-pass water-cooled copper coil to just enclose the shape of the workpiece the gap between it and the workpiece should be as small as possible .

    感应线圈用铜管通水 冷却,线圈的形状要刚好包住工件,它与工件间的间隙要尽可能的小。

  • Annual energy analysis and comparison of the water-cooled / heated variable refrigerant flow system


  • High-temperature water-cooled screw conveyor is a kind of machine for carrying high-temperature materials in metallic and industrial yield .

    高温 水冷螺旋输送机是一种用于冶金、化工等行业输送高温物料的输送机。

  • The HW servomotors are water-cooled Brushless Synchronous motors delivered as individual components ( rotor stator and resolver ) to make a complete spindle unit .

    在硬件伺服电机是 水冷主轴单元一个完整的无刷同步电机,使各个组件交付(转子,定子和解析器)。

  • The water-cooled compressor has four fatal disadvantage : It is necessary to have a complete water system from top to bottom investment ;

    水冷 压缩机的致命缺点有四:必须有完备的上下水系统,投资大;

  • Air-cooled shutter cover water-cooled shutter cover and water-cooled plus air-cooled shutter cover .

    风冷快门灯罩、 水冷快门灯罩、水冷加辅助风冷快门灯罩。

  • The construction and operation principle of a long melting life water-cooled cupola was described .

    介绍长 水冷冲天炉的结构及工作原理,分析 风眼 漏水 原因

  • Welding gun optionally available as water-cooled model .

    焊枪可用作 水冷模型。

  • Water-cooled cold-arc-cathode in cup-shape and tube-shaped anode are used .

    采用水冷铜环形冷弧阴极和 水冷筒状阳极。

  • A thermoelectric refrigerator with a water-cooled hot side was designed and constructed .

    研究了 水冷 半导体冷藏箱冷端和热端 传热对冷藏箱性能的影响。

  • The paper introduced the main parameter carrying process and structure specifics of high-temperature water-cooled screw conveyor .

    介绍了高温 水冷螺旋输送机主要参数、输送工艺和结构技术特点。

  • The characteristic of castable refractory was advanced by analyzing the service conditions on Water-cooled Beam of heating furnace in this paper .

    通过对加热炉 水冷梁使用条件的分析,提出了该类浇注料应具有的特点。

  • Both power-tower and trough-based systems are typically water-cooled and require millions of gallons of water annually .

    通常,太阳能塔式系统和抛物槽式系统都是利用水来 冷却的,每年需要的水量达几百万加仑。

  • Refrigeration the use of air-cooled condensers water-cooled chillers eliminate the need of cooling water systems ;

    制冷时,冷凝器采用风冷,省去了 水冷冷水机组所需要的冷却水系统;

  • B.3.3.2 for water-cooled heat exchangers the following considerations should be made .

    对于 水冷 热交换器,应考虑如下因素。

  • Eddy current brake Permanent magnet Water-cooled Thermal field ;

    涡流制动;永久磁铁; 水冷;温度场;

  • A casing containing water circulated by a pump used around a part to be cooled especially in water-cooled internal-combustion engines .

    含有水泵带动的循环水的外层壳体,用于 在需冷却部件的外面,尤指内燃机 冷却