


  • The whispered speech has some characteristics different from normal speech such as no vocal cords vibration pitch disappearing and lower speech energy than that of the phonated speech . The special voicing style of whispery decreases the speech intelligibility and the speech quality .

    其具有 声带不振动、基频缺失和声音能量低的特性,这些特性降低了耳语音的可懂度和清晰度。

  • He stopped his breathing to be able to hear any sound however small and whispery .

    屏息着以便能听到任何声音,任何 而轻的 声音

  • I want to feel the shimmer of silk as it glides over my arms and down my body the joy of fingering its whispery softness .

    我想感受丝绸滑过我的手臂,滑下我的身体时的闪烁微光, 还有 指尖 抚弄 丝绸的轻柔快感。

  • A swamp is a whispery place .

    沼泽地是充满 沙沙 的地方。