


  • Political power has long been a well-trodden path to personal wealth

    拥有政治权力是 敛财 惯常途径。

  • These challenges contrast with the well-trodden path to Capitol Hill taken by several leading business-school academics .

    上述这些挑战与数名商学院知名学者走向国会山的 阳关道形成反差。

  • They follow the well-trodden execution path of everything going right .

    它们 遵循每个正确的执行路径。

  • Asia is in orthodox territory balancing well-trodden trade-offs between growth and inflation .

    亚洲又 面临 熟悉的 问题,在增长和通胀之间权衡 取舍

  • There is a real danger that countries may think they can put the blame for failure on others and hide behind well-trodden positions .

    各国也许会认为,他们可以将失败的责任推卸到其他国家身上,自己则躲在背后 避免 遭受 攻击。其实 这么 是非常危险的。

  • Intense media interest not to mention the wide dissemination of his contact details allowed him to avoid the well-trodden path to Abu Dhabi or across the Gulf to Qatar .

    媒体密切的关注更不用说其联系方式的广泛传播让他避开了 常见的出路:去阿布扎比或横跨海湾地区去卡塔尔。

  • They could save themselves some effort by quickly surveying the scientific literature though because they will almost certainly be following one of seven well-trodden paths .

    他( )如果快速地 翻阅 一下科技文献其实可以给自己省下不少功夫,因为以下这7条 测试方法是 很多人都会 尝试的。

  • There are well-trodden trails abroad such as to Australia .

    通常有 几个 比较 欢迎 去处,比如澳大利亚。

  • The euro returned to its well-trodden downward path yesterday but equity commodity and credit markets rallied from early lows as investors continued to weigh up the implications of emergency measures aimed at stabilising the eurozone announced on Monday .

    欧元昨日 再度 进入 近期 常见的下行通道,但股票、大宗商品和信贷市场从早盘的低点反弹。投资者继续掂量周一公布、旨在稳定欧元区的紧急措施的影响。

  • These working parties will be going over well-trodden ground .

    这些工作组将按 惯例工作。

  • Bulls say the comparison offers China a well-trodden path to a modern high-tech economic future .

    乐观者表示,这一对比为中国提供了一条通向现代高科技经济未来的 坦途

  • We followed the well-trodden tourist route from Paris to chartres .

    我们 沿着旅游者 的路线从巴黎到夏特。

  • The historical debate over the relationship between ideology and realism in foreign policy enjoys a well-trodden path .

    在对外政策中,关于意识形态与务实主义关系的历史争论 不断 上演

  • You followed leaders Japan Hong Kong Taiwan South Korea up a well-trodden ladder from agriculture through manufacturing to services .

    只要遵循日本、香港、台湾和韩国等领先 经济 现成梯子向上爬就行从农业 转向制造业,再到服务业。

  • He made his way along a well-trodden path towards the shed .

    他顺着一条 走的小路走向小屋。