wet lips

[化] 亮唇油

  • I began to pace back and forth . In a jerky way . I began to swallow and wet my lips .

    我来回踱起步来,脚步不稳,开始咽唾沫, 嘴唇

  • He put his arms round her massive waist and kissed her wet steamy lips .

    他用双手搂住她那巨大的腰,吻了吻她那 潮湿的带水汽的 嘴唇

  • Uncle Ted wet his lips .

    特德叔叔舐 湿嘴唇

  • She wet her lips and without turning around spoke to her husband in a soft coarse voice .

    舌头 嘴唇,头也不回低低地,粗声粗气地对她丈夫说着话。

  • Fielding nervously wet his lips and tried to smile .

    菲尔丁紧张地舔了 嘴唇,努力挤出笑容。