wet steam

[wɛt stim][wet sti:m]


  • The three-dimensional wet steam flow with spontaneous condensation in the three low pressure stages of an condensing steam turbine was numerically investigated and the results were compared with those in the superheated flow .

    对一台凝汽式汽轮机低压末三级中的 湿 蒸汽自发凝结流动进行了三维数值分析,并与忽略自发凝结影响的流动计算结果进行了比较。

  • Numerical Simulation of Self-excited Oscillation Patterns in Wet Steam Flow with Condensation

    湿 蒸汽凝结流中自激振荡模式的数值模拟

  • Wet steam flow within steam turbine leads to lower efficiency and blade erosion .

    蒸汽透平内 湿 蒸汽两相流动会引起 蒸汽透平效率降低和叶片磨蚀。

  • The method that flowing saturated wet steam is simulated by spraying water into air flow is proposed and calibration experiment for the instrument is conducted in water / air flows .

    提出了向空气流中喷入雾化水来模拟饱和 湿 蒸汽的方法,并在空气-水系统中对 新型 湿度测量仪进行了标定实验。

  • The influence of the dry degree of wet steam and water droplet diameter on the discharge temperature and compression power is discussed .

    分析了 湿 蒸气进气干度及水滴微粒直径对排气温度、排气压力和压缩功率的影响。

  • Research on the heavy oil sewage treatment technology with wet steam boiler

    稠油污水回用 湿 蒸汽锅炉处理技术研究

  • When the wet steam flows by the capacitive sensor the sensor capacitance changes with the steam wetness .

    根据计算结果并结合湿度测量的具体应用,分析了电容传感器用于测量 湿 蒸汽湿度的可行性。

  • Code for installation and acceptance of wet steam generators special used in oil-fields

    油田专用 湿 蒸汽发生器安装施工及验收规范

  • The reasons of the crack of tubes on the wet steam generator used in Shengli Oilfield are analyzed .

    对胜利油田 湿 蒸汽发生器爆管原因的分析得知,爆管为氢腐蚀所致;

  • Transition function equation method for the simulation of wet steam flow is also developed and analyzed .

    湿 蒸汽流动计算的过渡函数方程方法也进行了发展和分析。

  • Development and application of a constant flow rate electrolytic gas purging apparatus for the wet steam measurement system

    湿 蒸汽 测量系统中的恒定流量电解气清除装置的研制和应用

  • An Experimental Study of the Steam Water Separator of a Wet Steam Turbine

    湿 蒸汽透平的汽水分离器的试验研究

  • Comparison and Analysis of Wetness Measurement Methods for Flowing Wet Steam in Turbine

    蒸汽透平中流动 湿 蒸汽湿度测量方法的分析与比较

  • FAWS has been developed for 3D viscous wet steam flow calculation and the functions of equilibrium condensation and dry flow calculation are also developed in the thesis .

    FAWS进一步发展到三维粘性计算阶段,并开发了平衡态凝结和 蒸汽计算功能。

  • A novel method based on Fiber Bragg grating sensor measurement in two-phase wet steam flow moisture field

    一种基于布拉格光纤光栅测量 湿 蒸汽两相流湿度场的新方法

  • This approach can be an advanced and practical platform for analysis and design of wet steam flow in steam turbine .

    该方法可成为汽轮机 湿 蒸汽 流动的分析和设计的先进和实用的平台。

  • High-pressure cylinder of nuclear steam turbine works in wet steam area .

    核电汽轮机高压缸的通流部分大部分处于 湿 蒸汽区。

  • The wet steam compression process of the screw compressor is simulated by the numerical method . The influence of the steam quality and water drip diameter in the wet steam charged by the compressor on the discharge temperature and compression power is discussed .

    根据所建立的模型,采用数值模拟的方法对螺杆压缩机压缩 蒸气过程进行了计算,并分析了湿蒸汽进汽干度及水滴微粒直径对排汽温度和压缩功率的影响。

  • Regenerated cellulose ( RC ) films were prepared from the cellulose solution that was obtained by directly dissolving wet steam exploded softwood cellulose ( SESC ) in9 .

    利用 蒸汽闪爆对 软木纤维素进行活化,然后直接溶解在质量分数为9。

  • Numerical Simulation of Wet Steam Two-phase Flow in Turbine Cascade

    汽轮机叶栅内 湿 蒸汽两相凝结流动的数值研究

  • Numerical investigations are implemented on the wet steam flows with homogeneous condensation in a turbine stage and heterogeneous condensation in a cascade .

    本文对级环境下的自发 凝结流动和和 叶栅中的非均质凝结流动进行了数值研究。

  • A wet steam experiment system is established with a Laval nozzle generating wet steam .

    构建了 湿 蒸汽实验系统并进行了蒸汽湿度测量的实验研究。

  • Aiming at wet steam two-phase flow with spontaneous condensation in steam turbine the present paper describes the status and progress in the numerical research area of wet steam two-phase flows and their problems to be solved .

    着重针对汽轮机中存在自发凝结的 湿 蒸汽两相流动,论述了湿蒸汽两相流动数值研究进展现状及其待解决的问题,以期对此方面的研究及其工程应用起到促进作用。

  • A dynamic simulation model for non-homogeneous flow in wet steam turbine was developed and was corrected by a time step method and then could be applied to dynamic simulation .

    建立了透平 湿 蒸汽非平衡流动动态仿真模型,并进行了时间步长修正,模型可以用于 蒸汽轮机的动态仿真计算。

  • Progress in research on water droplet size in two phase wet steam flow in steam turbine

    汽轮机 湿 蒸汽两相流中水滴尺寸研究进展

  • This system uses the double-check method and efficiency correction method based on fault mechanism to partly solve the problems occurring in the heat calculation for wet steam turbine .

    该系统避开了干度测量的困难,利用双重校验方法及基于故障机理的效率修正方法,初步解决了核电机组 湿 蒸汽汽轮机的热力计算问题。

  • Consequently this method solves difficult technical problem of dynamic and quasi-distributing measurement in two-phase wet steam flow .

    该测试新方法将能解决 湿 蒸汽两相流中湿度的动态、准分布测量的技术难题。

  • Research & Application of Subcritical Wet Steam Generator

    亚临界 湿 蒸汽发生器研究与应用

  • Considering the departure from perfect gas for wet steam inside steam turbine and high temperature gas with variable specific heat ratio inside gas turbine a kind of method which can describe the real gas properties of wet steam and high temperature gas was constructed .

    考虑到蒸汽透平中的湿蒸汽与燃气透平中的高温变比热比燃气,其性质都与完全气体模型有很大的偏离,建立了可用于数值分析中描述 湿 蒸汽及变比热比燃气的真实气体模型。

  • The following things we should to do was ferrying some goods by tractor from their original village such as wood for cooking bricks for floor against wet steam and other things buried in house .

    接下来我所做的只是在没有爆破时开着拖拉机来镇上装些烧火的木头,垫地板防潮 湿 的砖块,还有其它一些埋在房屋内的生活用具。