


  • It seems that I really dreamt yesterday night but I actually ask myself wether I am dreaming in the dream screen teleplay as expected .

    看来昨晚真的是做了个梦。可是梦里居然 反问自己是不是在做梦,果然在拍电视剧。

  • The importance is wether I am happy with this person !

    重要的还是和这个人在一起 是否快乐吧!

  • Wether is mobility or the engineering install the aspect all and more in keeping with and up to now still and constantly improve perfect .


  • The first chapter talks about wether the two artists are really insane what cause them be insane and compare them on this foundation .

    第一章对两位艺术家的 疯癫 ,疯癫成因进行分别论述,并在此基础上进行比较。

  • The colours of the clouds tell about the wether .

    经过 历程云彩的色彩能 预报 气候

  • I feel the wether forecast is always inaccurate .

    我觉得 天气预报常常不准。

  • You are correct markings as to wether they have an all white head or patches is irrelevant !! Structure and soundness is what is important .

    你是对的,斑点,也就是全 白头或者头上有黑色是不相关的。狗的结构和牢固性,才是最重要的!

  • I still don 't know wether the shelling is American or german .

    我还是不确定 这些炮弹是美国人的还是德国人的。

  • We all have to die someday and wether we like it or not it is something we all have to learn how to face .

    我们每一 个人都会在某一天死去, 不管我们 是否 情愿,都要学习面对死亡。

  • Wether the coal preparation process is ration played a great action to improve the run result and reduce production cost .

    选煤工艺 设计 合理 对提高选煤厂的运行效果,降低生产成本起着至关重要的作用。

  • I am wether pro nor anti-china but I really can 't understand why people are afraid of them getting economically stronger .


  • Wether the farmers are willing to buy the agricultural insurance why ?

    农民 到底愿不愿意买农业保险啊?理由是什么啊?

  • Wether I am tired or depression ?

    我是累还是 压抑

  • The Market Department shall after discussing and seeking the customers ' opinions decide wether to postpone the production and delivery .

    市场部协商,征求顾客意见,决定 是否推迟生产和交付期。

  • Wether its economy is on the rise or distructed by troubles like the recent financial crisis Asia is equal to Europe .

    无论 亚洲的经济是处于上升阶段还是为挫折所困,例如受到了近来那场金融危机的打击,亚洲与欧洲应该是平等的。

  • Wether life is a tragedy or not confront it .


  • But finally the two & tors in the film they 've found the one who makes h other'e is a risk when you er get into it you would never know wether it 's the right one for you .

    但最终影片里的两个人找到了能让自己的心微笑的人。爱本来就是一场冒险,如果你从不去尝试, 那幺永远不知道那一次 是否精彩或者那一个人 是否合适。

  • Wether it shines or rains we will be there !


  • As a Xiangsheng lover I am not sure wether there are unknown troubles happened to him .

    可能还有不便公布的险恶境遇,普通相声爱好者就 不得而知了。

  • It shows that a country wether it is large or small has advantages and disadvantages as well .

    由此可见,一个国家的 尺寸无论大或小,有利也会有弊。

  • To this day I don 't know wether my father is alive or dead .

    至今我都不 知道父亲是生是死。

  • Because of very wet spring wether apples will be in short supply .

    政府扮演 重要 角色尤其是考虑到 无线电 频谱将出现短缺。

  • Just to determine wether this is the first letter .

    好判断这 是否是第一封。

  • In fact she was not sure wether she will be happiness in future at that time she just loved him and did not want to leave him even if suffered a lot .

    其实 当初她也不确定会拥有这样的幸福,那时她只是爱这个男子,舍不得离开他。

  • The city said it was the wether .

    市政府说是因为 天气 关系

  • Wether you accept it or not the novels on gifted scholars and beautiful ladies declare their objective existence clearly through their plenty works multitude writers and extensive readers .
