wet analysis

[wɛt əˈnælɪsɪs][wet əˈnæləsis]


  • Preliminary tests and wet analysis used for the analysis of surfactant-formulated products were introduced .

    介绍了表面活性剂配方产品分析中的预试验和 湿法 分析

  • Dry chemistry analysis has characteristics of simplicity speediness and needlessness of liquid reagent etc when compared with conventional wet chemistry analysis in clinical laboratory science .

    在临床检验中,干化学法与传统的 湿 化学相比具有操作简单、检测速度快、不需使用液体试剂等优点。

  • Study on the Wet Analysis of Gold from Ore

    矿石中金的 湿法 分析的探讨

  • Determination of blood ammonia by dry chemical and wet chemical and analysis of influencing factors

    干化学法与 湿化学法测定血氨及影响因素的 分析

  • This bead fusion method is a perfect sampling method for ICP AA as well as for indissolvable samples in wet chemical analysis .

    对于ICP、AA和 湿法化学 分析手段,对于难溶样品,熔融方法同样是一种非常完美的制样手段。

  • Non-geostrophic Wet Q-vector Analysis and Application of Heavy Precipitation in Winter in Yunnan

    非地转 湿Q矢量在云南冬季强降水中的 分析应用

  • However in order to constructing and maintaining models large numbers of representative samples are collected for wet chemical analysis and providing data information of components and characters .

    然而,在校正过程中,需要收集大量代表性 样品进行化学 分析,提供其组分或性质已知的数据来建立和维护模型。

  • Bi-catalyst 's Application in Wet Desulfurization and Analysis of process

    双催化剂 湿法脱硫应用及工艺条件 分析

  • Methods of analysis of surfactant-formulated products and their recent progress ( I ) & Preliminary tests and wet analysis

    表面活性剂配方产品的分析方法及其进展(Ⅰ)&预试验及 湿法 分析

  • Non-geostrophic wet Q-vector diagnostic analysis of a snow-storm in the north part of Ningxia

    宁夏北部强降雪天气的 地转 湿Q矢量的诊断

  • NoN-GEOSTROPHIC wet Q-vector analysis and its application to Typhoon Torrential Rain

    非地转 湿Q 矢量及其在华北特大台风暴雨中的应用

  • Thermodynamics Index of a Wet Compression Process and Performance Analysis of a Wet Compression-based Gas Turbine Cycle

    湿压缩过程的热力学指标及湿压缩燃机循环性能 分析

  • Wet End Chemistry Analysis on the Site of Xinjiang Bohu Reed Mill

    纸机 湿部化学现场 分析

  • Since its establishment Anyang Iron and Steel Co. has been making analysis prior to iron making by chemical method of wet analysis which takes a longer time has difficulty in guaranteeing accuracy and precision in analysis .

    安钢自建厂以来,铁前分析一直采用 湿法 分析化学方法,周期长,分析的准确度和精密度难以保证;

  • Besides the paper gives the simulation results of dry runway and wet runway and makes an analysis on braking performance .

    另外给出了干、 湿 种跑道的仿真结果,并进行了刹车性能的比较 分析

  • Electromyographic histological and muscle wet weight analysis were performed 1 2 and 3 months postoperatively .

    各组分别于术后1、2、3个月取材,作肌电图、组织学及肌 湿检查

  • Testing method for wet sieve analysis of ceramic whiteware clays

    陶瓷用粘土 湿式试验方法

  • Corrosion Detection of Wet Gas Pipeline and its Safety Analysis

    湿气输送天然气管道腐蚀检测与安全性 分析

  • The effect of Wet Sieve Analysis on frost resistance of original grain-size distributed roller compacted concrete


  • Wet system of evacuating Analysis on the Problems of the Slurry Pump in the Ore - dressing Plant and Application of ZJ Slurry Pump

    (用喷水空气泵抽空的装置) 湿体系抽空选矿厂渣浆泵存在问题 分析及ZJ渣浆泵的应用

  • Application of ageostrophic wet Q-vector analysis in torrential rain of Typhoon Rananim

    非地转 湿Q矢量在台风云娜暴雨过程中的 分析应用

  • A Study on the Production of Tricobalt Tetroxide by Wet Chemistry Thermodynamic Analysis

    湿化学法制备四氧化三钴的研究&热力学 分析

  • Wet Pack after Steam Sterilization : Analysis and Management

    压力蒸汽灭菌 湿包的原因 分析与控制

  • In order to obtain the relationship among shear stress shear strain and time of wet and soft soils analysis of shear deformation mechanism of soils is made .

    为了探讨湿软土壤的剪切应力&剪切位移关系,对 湿软土壤的剪切变形机制进行了 分析

  • This paper introduces the composition of braking system of W8 suspension explosion-proof rubber-tyred vehicle and the structural feature of closed wet plates brake . The analysis proves that the braking system can meet the need of the braking function for the whole vehicle .

    本文介绍W8型防爆悬挂式胶轮车制动系统的组成及其全封闭多盘 湿式制动器的结构特点, 分析说明该车的制动系统能满足整车制动性能的要求。

  • Wet Flue Gas Desulfurization Process Analysis and Simple Flue Gas Heating Method Discussion on Gas Refrigeration and Heating

    湿法烟气脱硫工艺的 旁路再热 计算燃气制冷供暖方式探讨

  • The Chemical Characteristics of Wet Deposition and Preliminary Analysis of Surface Water Acidification along the Coastal Area of Taihu Lake

    太湖沿岸 湿沉降的化学特性及水体酸化的 趋势

  • The results of the examination show that monomer sulphur released from acid-dissolved specimens does not absorb and wrap gold strongly and has not influence on the results of gold determined by wet analysis .

    结果表明,在金的 湿法 分析中,酸溶样析出的单体硫对金的吸附包裹不严重,对分析结果无影响。