


  • Beth : Well that cardboard crap is what we call whole-wheat toast .

    嗯,那个硬纸板是我们 说的 吐司。

  • Spread low-fat cream cheese on a whole-wheat bagel ( or English muffin ) and then top with sliced tomatoes for a yummy sandwich .

    低脂 面包圈(或英式松饼)脂肪奶酪,然后用美味的三明治切片西红柿涂在上面。

  • So slice it then roll it in an8-inch whole-wheat tortilla with a piece of Canadian bacon or lean ham and if you like a1 / 2-ounce slice of cheese .

    所以将它切开,和一块加拿大熏猪肉或者 精肉火腿一起卷入一张八英寸 麦玉米饼里。还可以根据个人喜好,加入一片1/2盎司的奶酪。

  • Mutagenic Breeding of Whole-wheat Beer Barm Strains by Ion Implantation

    离子注入诱变选育 小麦啤酒酵母菌株

  • Tip : eat foods rich in complex carbohydrates and protein like eggs and whole-wheat cereal or toast so your energy lasts .

    小贴士:吃那些富含碳水化合物和碳水化合物的食物,比如鸡蛋和 麦谷类食物或烤面包,以便保持精力。

  • In the recipe at right I opt for half whole-wheat flour half all-purpose or bread flour .

    在本文的菜谱中,我选用的是一半 面粉,一半通用面粉或面包粉。

  • Or use whole-wheat flour and sprinkle wheat germ on your food .

    或者食用 食物和附和 些小麦胚芽。

  • Try whole-wheat crackers dipped in low-fat cottage cheese or top whole wheat toast with your favorite sugar-free nut butter .

    尝试 饼干浸在低脂干酪中,或用你喜欢的无糖坚果黄油撒在全麦面包上。

  • At lunch pick a pita Use one mini whole-wheat pita instead of the usual two slices of white or refined wheat bread for your sandwich .

    选皮塔饼:用 麦的 皮塔饼来代替三明治里的白面或精面的面包。

  • Instead ask for thin crust preferably whole-wheat ; get it light on the cheese and add protein ( like grilled chicken ) as well as green and yellow veggies to fight crow 's feet .

    相反的,叫一份薄披萨,最好是 的,在上面放一点乳酪,加上一些蛋白质(如烤鸡)和黄绿叶的蔬菜,预防鱼尾纹。

  • I would like whole-wheat bread .

    我要 面包。

  • Do eat whole-wheat steam bread but don 't eat meat .


  • Slather Greek yogurt on whole-wheat frozen toaster waffles and top with blueberries for a delicious twist .

    将希腊酸奶的 烤华夫饼干涂上冷冻与美味的蓝莓。

  • With lettuce and tomatoes on whole-wheat toast .

    烤面包 里面是生菜和番茄。

  • To judge by recent headlines coffee could be the latest health-food craze right up there with broccoli and whole-wheat bread .

    从近期的新闻标题来看,咖啡或许正引领着最新的健康饮食潮流,同样 有名的还有西兰花和 面包。

  • Whole-wheat bread : It contains dietary fiber so we don 't feel hungry easily .


  • Make a breakfast burrito by combining a scrambled egg sausage pieces ( heated up from a frozen package ) a pinch of cheese and scoop of salsa in a whole-wheat tortilla .

    打一个鸡蛋,加香肠片(从冷冻包加热),芝士, 沙拉酱。

  • Well except that sometimes when I really need a quick fast snack that I can eat on the run I toast a whole-wheat pita pocket and eat that .

    好吧,当然除了个别时候,当我十分需要一个方便制作、能在赶路时吃的快餐零食时,那么我就会烤一张 袋饼吃。