






  • It was wholesale slaughter of women and children .

    那是对妇女和儿童的 大规模屠杀。

  • He buys at wholesale and sells at retail .


  • They indicate the scale of the subsidy that depositors and taxpayers provide to wholesale trading .

    这些说明了储户和纳税人向 批发交易提供的补贴的规模。

  • The fabrics are sold wholesale to retailers fashion houses and other manufacturers .

    这些纺织品被 批发给零售商、时装店和其他制造商。

  • We are a leading wholesale supplier of China-made footwear to mass market all over the world .

    我们是中国做的鞋类的一个主导的 批发供应商对大规模市场全世界。

  • Article 39 The State shall support the establishment and development of rural fairs and wholesale markets for agricultural products .

    第三十九条国家支持农产品集贸市场和农产品 批发市场和建立和发展。

  • Our factory have own turquoise mine So we offer our clients are all wholesale price and best quality .

    我厂有自己的绿松石矿,因此,我们提供我们的客户都是 批发价格和最好的质量。

  • You can sell it to them at a set wholesale price allowing them to mark it up for retail

    你可以以固定的 批发价出售给他们,这样他们可以提高零售价格。

  • In a desperate attempt to stave off defeat he reluctantly promised wholesale reform of the constitution

    为了竭力避免败局,他勉强答应要对宪法进行 大规模修改。

  • So the commission rules out a complete separation of the retail and wholesale businesses .

    所以委员会祛除了零售和 批发的完全分离。

  • We also retail and wholesale watches .

    也兼营手表零售和 批发

  • Wholesale and Retail Trades Catering ;


  • I quoted him the wholesale price .

    我给他了个 批发价。

  • They bought these goods at wholesale price .

    他们是以 批发价格购进的这批货物。

  • I give you the wholesale price not a retail price .

    我给你的是 批发价,不是零售价。

  • Warehouse clubs allow members to buy goods at wholesale prices

    仓储式会员店允许会员以 批发价购买商品。

  • The brazil nut gatherers were paid only 2 to 3 percent of the New York wholesale price .

    这些巴西果采摘者所卖的钱仅为纽约 批发价格的2%到3%。

  • They do only wholesale ; they don 't sell retail .

    他们只 批发,不零卖。

  • We have a good reputation in distributor and wholesale market .

    我们有很好的声誉,在分销商和 批发市场。

  • Sales to various retail and wholesale outlets .

    将产品销售给各个零售商和 批发商

  • Investors have lost faith in wholesale funding models .

    投资者失去了对 批发 市场融资模式的信心。

  • That 's almost the wholesale price .

    这个几乎是 批发价了。

  • Once wholesale prices are deregulated consumer prices will also rise .

    一旦 批发价格放开,零售价格也会随之上涨。

  • I am in the wholesale trade .

    我做 批发生意。

  • To read our review of the top wholesale designer handbag and purses drop ship and supplier sources e-books .

    要阅读我们的顶级设计师审查 批发手袋和钱包下降,船舶和供应商来源电子书。

  • They are only doing what is necessary to prevent wholesale destruction of vegetation

    他们只是在采取必要措施避免 大规模的植被破坏。

  • He does wholesale business while his brother is engaged in retail business .

    他经营 批发生意,他弟弟则经营零售生意。

  • The companies have all kinds of chemical products wholesale and retail business .

    本公司有各类化工产品的 批发和零售经营。

  • And that was in all channels wholesale retail as well as e-commerce .

    这一点反应在各个渠道上 批发、零售和电子商务。

  • Wholesale Price Model of Wholesaler and Retailer in Supply Chain

    供应链中批发商和零售商的 批发价格模型