with reluctance

[wɪð rɪˈlʌktəns][wið rɪˈlʌktəns]


  • The Study on Design and Analysis of Brushless Double-Fed Machine with Blocked-Magnetic Reluctance Rotor

    障式 磁阻转子无刷双馈电机的设计与分析研究

  • I gave up the book to my sister with reluctance in my face but alacrity in my heart .

    我把书让给妹妹,脸上显示出 情愿,可心里却美滋滋的。

  • His arm felt stiff from the gun 's weight and his fingers were heavy with reluctance .

    他的胳膊被枪压僵了,而且由于心里不想下手,手指头也变得不听 使唤

  • The murmur with reluctance called several voice after from the Pu much more western body up escape from .

    咕噜 情愿地叫了几声,之后从普西多身上脱离。

  • With some reluctance I mentioned three : avarice cowardice and callousness .


  • I come here with great reluctance . I am between a rock and a hard place .

    我是十分 勉强地到这里来的。我现在是进退两难。

  • The equivalent circuit and torque formula of doubly fed brushless machine with reluctance and cage rotor

    磁阻和笼型转子无刷 馈电机的统一等效电路和转矩公式

  • I am almost ashamed said sissy with reluctance .

    “我真正感到难为情,” 西丝吞吞吐吐地说。

  • Here a girl was being pushed forward into the inner circle with apparent reluctance .

    这里有一个姑娘显然是忸 忸怩 地被推进里面的人圈。

  • He agreed to help but with great reluctance .

    虽然 愿意但他还是答应帮忙了。

  • Elinor submitted to the arrangement which counteracted her wishes with less reluctance than she had expected to feel .

    埃莉诺接受了这个 她的愿望相违的安排,但已经不象她原来那样 勉为其难了。

  • I sympathise with your reluctance to pay for insurance but I do not follow your reasoning .

    赞同 愿意买保险,但我不同意你的推理。

  • It was with great reluctance that I turned in my half-completed report .


  • He agreed but with reluctance .

    他同意了,但 勉强

  • He left us with some reluctance .


  • He gave his name with great reluctance and only after being assured the article would not appear in Korean .

    仅仅被保证这篇文章不会以韩文出现后,他才十分 情愿地透露了自己的姓名。

  • When thou risest from sleep with reluctance remember that it is according to thy constitution and according to human nature to perform social acts but sleeping is common also to irrational animals .

    当你不 情愿地从眠床上起来时,记住这是按照你的结构和人的本性去从事社会活动,而睡眠却是对无理智的动物也是同样的。

  • His office gives out personal details such as the fact he has two small daughters with great reluctance because he is so worried about their security .

    他的办公室在分发他的个人详细资料时其中包括他有两个小女儿的事实表现得极 情愿,因为他非常担心她们的安全。

  • A selective acceptance with reluctance guaranteed a design development concurred with the traditional value of the nation .

    这种有选择性的接受使英国设计保持着 与其传统精神一致的内涵。

  • Pull-in study of magnetostatic micro-devices with the reluctance of the magnetic core

    考虑磁芯 磁阻的微型磁器件吸合特性分析

  • He moved in an inner world that was more beautiful than Georgia and came back to reality with reluctance .

    他生活在一个比佐治亚美好得多的内心世界里 留连忘返

  • There was increasing impatience with the reluctance of the party to grant these reforms .

    该政党 不愿实行这些改革,大家对此越来越感到恼火。

  • ' All right I can manage a fiver ' McMinn said with reluctance .

    麦克明 情愿地说:“好吧,我可以出5镑。”

  • These verbs mean to make a disclosure usually with reluctance or under pressure .

    To这些动词都表示 情愿压力之下揭示真相。

  • They released her with reluctance .

    他们 勉强放她 了。

  • Cost-elusion-pattern Cooperation could not only explain why the actors would choose Symbolic Cooperation but also explain why the actors sometimes choose Substantial Cooperation though with reluctance .

    成本规避型合作既可以解释行为体为什么会选择象征性合作,也可以解释行为体为什么虽然 愿意,但是却不得不进行实质性合作。

  • They parted with reluctance .

    他们 依依不舍 分手了。

  • And I conceive moreover that the hearts holding such miserable secrets as you speak of will yield them up at that last day not with reluctance but with a joy unutterable .

    何况,我还设想,如你所说的那种怀有这些痛苦的隐私的心,到了最后那一天非袒露不可的时候,不是 情愿的,倒是带着一种难言的愉快的。