



  • The willow branches swayed gently in the breeze .


  • Willow twigs are pliable .


  • She planted by the statue a rose-colored weeping willow .

    她在这石像旁边种了一株像玫瑰花那样红的 垂柳

  • Several coppice plantations have been seeded with poplar willow and alder .

    好几个灌木林场都种上了白杨、 柳树和赤杨。

  • The old willow tree has become hollow inside .


  • Jenny weaves baskets from willow she grows herself .

    珍妮用她自己种的 柳树 枝条编篮子。

  • Willow sprout dew gave them because love ;


  • Willow trees may have died back but there is a time of regreening ;


  • One day I gave thee a willow battledore and a shuttlecock with yellow blue and green feathers .

    有一天,我买了一个 柳条拍子和一个黄蓝绿三色的羽毛球给你。

  • Rows of willow trees line the banks of the stream .

    小河两岸 柳树成行。

  • Willow branches are fluttering ( or swaying ) gracefully in the breeze .


  • The willow trees cast their shadows all around .

    柳荫 匝地

  • The long willow twigs hang low brushing the surface of the lake .

    长长的 柳条垂及湖面。

  • I could see twigs on the willow bush .

    我看得见 树丛的嫩枝了。

  • I 'm a willow catkin .

    我是一朵 柳絮

  • At present kingbibo Dangyang cruise ship in the water shuttle winding shore promenade pavilions cuola shore weeping willow yiyi swaying scene .

    目前景区内水面碧波荡漾游船穿梭,近岸长廊蜿蜒曲折,亭台错落,岸边 垂柳依依,摇曳多姿。

  • I decided to hide it in the little creek which was covered with the branches of willow trees .

    我决定把它藏到 柳树枝遮盖的小溪流内。

  • They are the first to smell the sweet new grasses and the willow catkins .

    他们是闻甜的新金属性碳丝和 柳树柳絮花的第一。

  • This picture shows a grain of willow pollen wedged between flower petals .

    这张图片显示了嵌入花瓣间的 柳树花粉颗粒。

  • The weeping willow is taller than the poplar .


  • The willow trees have begun to bud .


  • Willow catkins are fluttering in the air .


  • There wasn 't a breath of wind and the willow branches were motionless .

    没有一点儿风, 柳条 纹丝不动。

  • There are only a few scattered willow trees by the stream .

    小河边只有几株稀落的 柳树

  • I had to part the willow branches to get in ;

    我得拨开 树丛的枝桠,这才进得去。

  • She has a willow twig case .

    她有一个细 柳条箱。

  • The river was sparsely lined with willow trees .

    河边疏疏落落有 柳树

  • Spring the willow sister off white dress and the wearing green wedding outfit .

    春天, 柳树姐姐脱掉了白连衣裙,换上了绿婚装。

  • The moon rose to the top of the willow tree | and my love and I met after twilight .

    月上 柳梢 ,人约黄昏后。( 欧阳修 ·》)