window manager

[ˈwɪndo ˈmænɪdʒɚ][ˈwindəu ˈmænidʒə]

[计] 窗口管理程序

  • The system must be fast enough to drive graphics and for stand-alone clients to run a minimal operating system and window manager .

    系统应该足够快以驱动图形,并且对于独立客户机来说,至少能够运行操作系统和 窗口 管理

  • Now you should be ready to install a window manager and some programs .

    现在你应该已经可以安装 窗口 管理 和一些程序了。

  • A window manager is a program that controls the management and look and feel of windows .

    窗口 管理 是一个控制窗口的管理和外观的程序。

  • Another interoperability work item was leveraging work done in the window manager and in DXGI to make sure that Direct2D and GDI could work together .

    另外一个互操作性工作就是利用 窗口 管理 和DXGI,以确保Direct2D和GDI能够共同工作。

  • If you 're on a fairly conservative window manager and want to record normal application windows chances are it will work alright and improve performance for you .

    如果是在一个老式的 窗口 管理 中录制普通的应用程序窗口,则扩展可用并将改善性能。

  • The Ion window manager uses Lua for its configuration files allowing users to write powerful and flexible configurations .

    Ion 窗口 管理 使用Lua作为配置文件,从而使用户可以编写强大而灵活的配置。

  • All the general-purpose distributions I tried used KDE as a window manager ( in fact all were at3.2.2 ) .

    我试验的所有通用发行版本所使用的 窗口 管理 都是KDE(实际上,版本都是3.2.2)。

  • The lines between graphics display engine window manager and desktop are blurred because similar or the same functionality may be implemented by one or more of them .

    图形显示引擎, 窗口 管理 和桌面之间的界限是模糊的,因为有些类似或相同的功能,会被其中之一或多个所同时实现。

  • A successful option to meet both needs is a minimalist window manager that runs on top of a powerful window manager allowing you just enough flexibility to script with ease .

    最低限度的 窗口 管理 是可以同时满足这两种需求的一个不错的选择,它运行于功能强大的窗口管理器之上,仅允许您轻松灵活地完成脚本编写工作。

  • The name is a bit misleading but originally FVWM was a fork of the original TWM window manager and made as a feeble replacement .

    它的名字可能会引起误解,但是FVWM最初只是TWM 窗口 管理系统的一个分支,只是作为TWM的一个简单替代品。

  • Wine doesn 't require a window manager ( Gnome or KDE ) to run properly so if you launch a game in a separate X server you can get a significant performance boost .

    wine不需要 窗口 管理 (GNOME或KDE)就可以正常地运行,所以如果你在一个单独的Xserver下运行游戏,你会得到明显的性能提升。

  • A console window is fine but a graphical window manager would be ideal .

    有控制台窗口是很不错,但如果有图形化 窗口 管理 就更好了。

  • The following setup assumes that you are logged into your window manager and the xscreensaver program has been started by your userid .

    以下设置假设您已经登录到了 窗口 管理 中,并且已经使用您的userid启动了xscreensaver程序。

  • The best solution is to restart your window manager and all will be well .

    最后的解决方案就是重新启动 窗口 管理 ,然后一切就会正常。

  • It will give you a session with a taskbar and a panel and with the desktop manager and window manager running .

    它可启动一个包括任务栏、面板、桌面管理器及 视窗 管理员的会话。

  • Similar principles apply to whatever window manager you prefer .

    相似的原理适用于您所喜欢的任何一个 窗口 管理

  • The twm window manager 's primary feature is that it 's tiny ; it doesn 't do much for you it mostly trusts you to know what you want .

    twm 窗口 管理 的主要特色就是它非常小;它不会做很多事情,而且几乎完全依赖您来决定需要的内容。

  • The default window manager is FluxBox which has no real taskbar ; the menu options are revealed when you right-click on the workspace .

    缺省的 窗口 管理 是FluxBox,它没有实际的任务条;菜单选项也只有在工作空间上点击鼠标右键时才会出现。

  • For example KDE requires the use of the kwm window manager .

    例如,KDE需要使用kwm 窗口 管理

  • If I don 't the system insists on using a VESA driver and a window manager that don 't work-yes I 've filed a bug .

    如果我不这样做,“系统”坚持使用VESA驱动和一个不能正常工作的 窗口 管理 &是的,我已经提出了一个错误。

  • The current process has used all of its system allowance of handles for Window Manager objects .

    当前程序已使用了 Window 管理 对象的系统允许的所有句柄。

  • The way an X display looks like is set by a window manager whose job is to ahem manage your windows and their look .

    X显示的方式看上去象是被 窗口 管理 所设置,该 管理 的任务就是管理你的窗口和它们的外观。

  • Puppy is a very small distribution that uses Xfce as its window manager .

    Puppy是一个非常小巧的发行版,它使用Xfce作为其 窗口 管理

  • Or you might prefer a programmable window manager so you can control its behavior as much as you control the command-line interface .

    或者,您可能更喜欢可编程方式的 窗口 管理 ,这样您就可以像控制命令行接口那样来控制 窗口

  • Start a new Xdmx session that spans both nodes running the twm window manager .

    然后启动新的Xdmx会话,横跨两个运行twm 窗口 管理 的节点。

  • Session creates a brand-new desktop and may have its own resolution window manager and state .

    会话创建一个全新的桌面,可能有它自己的分辨率、 窗口 管理 和状态。

  • Also keep in mind that the actual size and placement of the new window is controlled by the window manager ( such as Gnome KDE IceWM ) not by the program itself .

    另外要记住的一点是新窗口的实际大小和位置是由 窗口 管理 控制的(比如Gnome,KDE,IceWM),而不是由程序本身控制。