


  • GUIs provide windowing drag-and-drop functionality menus and mouse-based interaction .

    GUI提供了 窗口、拖放功能、菜单和基于鼠标的交互。

  • The X Window System ( X11 ) provides resources for applications to display themselves in a graphical manner and is the most commonly used windowing system on UNIX and UNIX-like boxes .

    XWindow系统(X11)为应用程序以图形方式进行显示提供了资源,并且它是UNIX和类UNIX的机器上最常用的 窗口系统。

  • Pailshoe windowing for view you can observe work case inside directly .

    料斗干燥机桶体机座设计有视料 ,可直接观察内部工作情况。

  • In effect you can compute faster than you can type & you can type and manage your windowing environment at the same time .

    事实上,计算可以比键入更快&因为可以同时键入和管理 窗口环境。

  • An implementation of windowing based on OFDM signals

    一种基于OFDM信号 设计的实现 方法

  • Quality assurance teams that work with automated scripts have a greater understanding of how the windowing systems work so they could provide insight into how screens behave .

    使用自动化脚本的质量保证团队对 窗口系统的工作方式有更好的理解,所以他们能够对屏幕行为方式提供洞察力。

  • An Application of Causal-Chain Windowing Theory to the Teaching of Writing

    因果链注意 理论在写作教学中的应用

  • A novel iterative algorithm for optimization design of non-frequency-selective FIR digital filters is proposed based on the windowing method .

    提出一种基于 函数法设计FIR数字滤波器的优化算法。

  • The graphical user interface ( GUI ) called Sugar is based on the X windowing system and written in Python .

    被称作Sugar的图形用户界面(GUI)基于X windowing系统并用Python编写。

  • Mac OS X open is a great link between the command line and the windowing environment of the Macintosh & and it is often far faster than resorting to the Finder .

    MacOSXopen是命令行和Macintosh的 窗口环境之间的纽带,并且它比借助于Finder要快得多。

  • An Eclipse operating environment comprises processor architecture an operating system a windowing system and a Java runtime environment .

    Eclipse操作环境包括处理器体系结构、一个操作系统、一个 系统,和一个Java运行时环境。

  • Which windowing environments do you frequently use on your Linux desktop ( s )?

    您最常使用哪一种 图形环境?

  • While windowing systems provide modularity and flexibility to user interfaces they can be horribly abused .

    通过 窗口 这种 方式,系统 带给 我们模块化且灵活的用户界面,但窗口也可能被滥用。

  • And once you need more programming power than what the shell provides consider a language such as Ruby or Python and any one of several windowing toolkits .

    如果您需要的编程功能比shell提供的更多,考虑Ruby或Python这样的语言以及任何 窗口工具包。

  • Within the context of an accessibility discussion the operating system and windowing system are the key variables .

    在易访问性的讨论中,操作系统和 系统是关键变量。

  • Versions exist using the native windowing system .

    各版本都使用本地 窗口系统。

  • The effect of extracardiac conduit operation with windowing operation is better in TCPC ; 3 .

    ②全腔静脉-肺动脉吻合术,外管道与右心房 开窗效果较好;

  • The rise of more processing power and windowing systems on the desktop gave rise to client / server .

    处理能力的提升和桌面上的 window系统的出现,逐渐把 我们引向了客户机/服务器模式。

  • With such tools dialog and Zenity are two worthy of mention ( see Resources ) you can use dialog boxes file browsers and other common windowing controls and techniques to interact with your users .

    有了这样的工具dialog和Zenity是两个值得一提的工具(参见参考资料)您就可以使用对话框、文件浏览器和其他常见的“ windowing”控件和技术来与您的用户交互。

  • The sensor 's advanced architecture allows for row windowing and row sub-sampling .

    该传感器的先进的架构允许亚行的 窗口和行采样。

  • Today many UNIX system administrators are not as familiar with cursor manipulation and text windowing because of the proliferation of graphical interfaces .

    今天,由于图形界面的普及,许多UNIX系统管理员不再那么熟悉光标操作和文本 窗口

  • Display PostScript and a windowing engine

    DisplayPostScript显示系统和 窗口引擎

  • Luckily most of these complex machinations are hidden from view or are made convenient to use through user interfaces such as the shell and windowing tools .

    好在这些复杂的花样大都被隐藏起来,不会被看到,或可以通过用户界面(如shell或 窗口工具)很方便地使用。

  • Rio was an interesting windowing system with some unique attributes .

    Rio是一种具有一些独特属性的有趣 视窗系统。

  • In order to overcome the windowing effects and wraparound errors statistically optimal planar near_field acoustical holography ( SOPNAH ) is used .

    为了克服 效应和卷绕误差,引入了统计最优平面近场声全息技术。

  • Application of Windowing Phase Difference Correcting Algorithm in Frequency Measurements of Electric Network Measurements


  • You commonly perform this step via the command line although phpMyAdmin and Navicat offer a windowing interface to database management .

    您一般会通过命令行来执行这一步骤,虽然phpMyAdmin和Navicat提供了用于管理数据库的 窗口界面。

  • He is windowing on the wall .

    他正在墙上 窗口

  • If it returns a value of TRUE the event is considered handled and the default handler which removes the widget from the windowing system is not called .

    如果它返回TRUE值,那么事件就被认为已经得到处理,而且不调用默认处理程序(该默认处理程序从 窗口系统删除部件)。