window extension

[ˈwɪndo ɪkˈstɛnʃən][ˈwindəu iksˈtenʃən]

[计] 窗口扩充

  • The cost model for spatial joins is built on the base of principle of window query and the original model in this thesis is the extension of the model for window query .

    空间连接代价模型建立在 窗口查询理论的基础上,文中所述的原始模型即是窗口查询代价公式的 扩展

  • Then the main window module is designed and implemented using extension mechanism of plug-in .

    再次利用插件 扩展机制设计并实现了主 窗口插件模块。

  • 1860 / 1861 callcenter is a window provided by China Mobile for its clients . It is both a tache between the clients and China Mobile and an extension of the traditional business and service measures .

    1860/1861呼叫中心是中国移动通信为客户提供服务的 窗口,是联系客户与移动公司的纽带,也是传统营业及服务手段的 延伸

  • Hastened to open the memory window can still clearly see the eyes inside your extension Sansei stone engraver to use the moon as a knife oath .

    忙不迭打开记忆的 ,依然可以清晰地看到你目光里的 延伸,三生石上用月光为刀镂刻的誓言。

  • A core Eclipse plug-in provides the central window and exposes an extension point to allow the contribution of additional preference pages .

    核心Eclipse插件提供中央 窗口,并暴露 扩展点以允许其他首选项页面的贡献。

  • At the same time complete the self-help terminal and artificial window parallel processing interface programs and the realization of the window procedure of the seamless connection to become an extension of the original system platform . With the hospital developing rapidly provides good support .

    同时,完成自助终端与人工窗口并行处理的接口程序,实现了与 窗口程序的无缝连接,成为原有系统的一个 扩展平台,对医院日新月异地发展提供了足够好的支撑。