


  • The total wingspan of the cherubim was twenty cubits .

    两个基路伯的 翅膀二十肘。

  • The carbon fiber single-seater Solar Impulse 2 aircraft has a 72-meter wingspan which is longer than the wingspan of a Boeing 747 and weighs about as much as a car .

    用碳纤维材料制造的单人座太阳能动力2号 翼展为72米,超过波音747,重量则仅相当于一辆汽车。

  • You 'd best deliver me something with an eight-foot wingspan .

    你最好跟我解释一下 翼展八英尺的东西是什么。

  • The BBC said that the drone operated with four electric propellers and had a wingspan of around five feet .

    BBC报道称,这种无人机装有4个电动螺旋桨, 翼展 长度约5英尺。

  • I was used to dry the tears in his wingspan flying in the sky of freedom and re !

    我是用干的泪水在他的 ,飞在自由的天空重!

  • So although it has a wingspan of61 metres HB-SIA has room only for a pilot .

    所以,虽然 HB-SIA具有61米的机翼幅度,但是仅拥有给一名飞行员的空间。

  • It weighed70lb ( 32kg ) with a wingspan of96 feet ( 29 metres ) and the engine inside it was a lean determined cyclistcalled Bryan Allen pedalling for all he was worth .

    它重701磅(32kg), 翼展96英尺(29米),内部引擎是踩脚踏车的布赖恩·艾伦,他身材削瘦,被固定在里面,竭尽全力地踩脚踏板。

  • A large bird with a wide wingspan quite clearly visible approached and hovered over us .

    一只 大鸟,可以看得很清楚, 两翼 得很大的飞翔前来。

  • This is up to more than twice as big as that of the royal albatross the largest living flying bird which has a wingspan of about 11.4 feet ( 3.5 meters ) .

    皇家信天翁 翼展大约为11.4英尺(3.5米)。

  • It is over five stories tall with a wingspan Ionger than a football fieid .

    有五层楼那么高, 翼展超过一个足球场。

  • Long-billed warm-water seabird with wide wingspan and forked tail .

    温暖水域长嘴的海鸟, 幅宽、尾叉形。

  • It now has scientists thinking the extinct flying reptile had a wingspan of up to seven metres two or three metres bigger than previously thought .

    现如今,科学家们认为,这种已经灭绝的、可飞行的爬行类动物的 翼展 可达到7米长,比先前的设想要长2米或者3米。

  • Relatively speaking wingspan is the smallest of these dimensions but even so the Raven is almost double the width of the Wasp .

    相对而言, 翼展在这三 中是最小的,但是即便如此,乌鸦无 人机的翼展几乎是蜂鸟无人机的两倍。

  • On some of these giant machines a single blade roughly equals the wingspan of the largest airliner in the sky the Airbus A380 .

    这些机器都是庞然大物,有的 是上边的一个叶片,大小就和天空中最大的客机空客 A380差不多了。

  • Although he is currently less than one foot tall he will eventually have a wingspan of around five feet .

    尽管他现在不足一英尺高,他最终将要有五英尺长的 翅膀

  • Last year it had 2 orders from the army for its Raven drone which weighs four pounds with a wingspan of four-and-a-half feet .

    去年其出品的乌鸦无人飞机便收到了 2182份订单,这种飞机仅中4磅,机翼长度达到了4英寸半。

  • A robotic fly is in development that currently weighs just over2oz and has a wingspan of just over1in .

    一种飞行机器人正在研发中,目前重量仅有2盎司多, 翼展才刚刚一英寸多。

  • The bomber has a wingspan of165m over twice that of the Airbus A380 so it is vast .

    轰炸机有 翼展超过165米,在空中客车A380的两倍,所以它是很多的。

  • The skeleton of a wingspan van body is one of the most important components for a van .

    翼展 厢式货车车厢骨架是重要的承载件,它的 质量也占货车 整车 整备 质量 分之一 左右

  • The11.6 meter-long X-47B has a wingspan of18.9 meters .

    这个长达11.6米的X-47B 翼展18.9米。

  • The female bird is slightly taller and her wingspan measures a metre and a half .

    母鸟要稍微高一些,且其 翼展 1米半。

  • These vital statistics as well as wingspan vertical reach and vertical leap are made available to pro scouts .

    这些统计数据,包括 ,垂直摸高,垂直跳跃 高度,都是通过正面的测试得到的。

  • At Harvard University 's Microrobotics Laboratory founder and director Robert Wood is developing a robotic fly that currently weighs just over2oz and has a wingspan of just over1in .

    在哈佛大学微性机器人实验室,实验室的创建人、主管罗伯特。伍德正在开发一种飞行机器人,目前这种机器人的重量刚刚超过2盎司, 翼展才1英寸多一些。

  • Within less than a second however the shell inflates into a full-fledged airplane with a six-foot wingspan .

    不过还不到一秒钟,炮弹就膨胀成 公尺的完整飞机。

  • Japanese Transport Ministry and Nagoya airport officials said earlier that they were arranging for the landing to occur after the airport 's usual closing hours to accommodate the plane with a wide wingspan .

    日本国土交通省和机场的官员之前表示,他们一直在安排 阳光 动力 2 在机场营业时间结束后的降落事宜,以使这 翼展的飞机 能够 顺利 落地

  • It is a finely worked tin model with battery operation and a wingspan of18.9 inches .

    这架精致的锡制飞机 翼展有18.9英寸,由电池驱动。

  • The trick according to Chiang was for Jonathan to stop seeing himself as trapped inside a limited body that had a forty-two inch wingspan and performance that could be plotted on a chart .

    照江的说法,秘诀是:乔纳森别再把自己局限在一个有限的躯体之中,这个躯体有一对四十二英寸长的 翅膀,它的活动可以在航海地图上标出来。

  • Inflatable wings on otherwise normal airplanes would also allow engineers to double the craft 's wingspan in flight .

    此外,一般飞机安装了充气式机翼后,可让工程师将飞行时的 翼展 增加到两倍。