

n.(旨在欺骗或吸引人的)诡计,花招欺骗,欺诈( wile的名词复数 )

  • The police were unable to penetrate the wiles of the cat burglar .

    警方无法识破窃贼的 诡计

  • And we all got there using our feminine wiles .

    而我们都是 女性的 阴谋诡计 到这儿的。

  • The city has its cunning wiles no less than the infinitely smaller and more human tempter .

    就连诱惑人的 蛇精也想不出比这再糟的模样了。

  • He became a prey to the wicked woman 's wiles .

    他中了那个邪女的 奸计

  • He can neither resist the wiles of the enemy himself while in this state nor can he prevail in prayer for others .

    因为一个失望的 ,既不能抵抗 仇敌 攻击,又不能为人发出有效的代祷。

  • The fox 's wiles will never enter the lion 's head .

    狐狸的 诡计永远进不了狮子的头脑。

  • For example Junes in Toledo are getting hotter Wiles said .

    比如 怀尔斯指出:今年六月,托雷多市变热了。

  • He gave in to her wiles .

    在她的 诡计下,他屈服了。

  • Bola o was a writer with tricks up his sleeve and he distributed his wiles across many genres : novellas poetry short stories essays and the epic 1100-page 2666 .


  • He did not fail to see / His uncle 's cunning wiles and treachery ( William Morris ) .

    他没有忽视他叔父的狡诈的 诡计和背信忘义(威廉莫里斯)。

  • A guy in Oklahoma may have broken his thermometer back in 1936 Wiles said meaning that there could be no measurements at all for two months of that year .

    比如 怀尔斯就指出:1936年,俄克拉荷马州的某个 负责气温的家伙有可能不小心把温度计弄坏了。这样的话,当年可能就有两个月根本没有 气温 记录

  • She claimed that women ' use their feminine wiles to get on . '

    她声称女人“靠她们的小 聪明来达到 目的”。

  • His wiles and quirks do not diminish his humanity .

    他的 把戏和怪癖无损于他的人道精神。

  • Our strategy is to tell people about their climate locally in ways they can understand and the only way to do that is with big data analysis said Richard Wiles vice president for strategic communications and director of research with Climate Central .

    气候中心的战略沟通副总裁兼研究主任理查德 o 怀尔斯表示:我们的战略是以人们能够理解的方式告诉他们当地的气候情况,唯一能实现这个目标的方法就是通过大数据分析。

  • Bread is an instrument as a means to the satisfaction of hunger and to the support of life . They were men who guarded their free will with wiles and murder .

    面包也是一种手段,靠它来充饥和维持生命。他们都是 不惜 采用 欺诈与谋杀 手段 维护自己的意志的人。

  • Address those issues and existing data can be just as powerful just as big Wiles said .

    怀尔斯表示,要解决这些问题,现有的数据可以说能力有多大, 困难就有多大。

  • Ms Wiles explained her concept the Huffington Post : ' Being able to see the entertainment value in a baby who refuses to go to sleep or a kid who is having a tantrum over a broken goldfish cracker is part of parental survival . '

    怀尔斯向《赫芬顿邮报》介绍了自己的想法:宝宝们愤怒时的 搞怪 表情有着很 的娱乐价值,宝宝们拒绝去睡觉,或是打碎了金鱼饼干时的小脾气简直让父母们抓狂。

  • All her wiles were to persuade them to buy the goods .


  • He 'll have to use all his wiles on her to get her to agree .

    他将不得不对她用尽所有的 招来 她同意。

  • I am too seasoned to your wiles .

    你的 这种 诡计 不倒经验丰富的我。

  • All her wiles are not enough to persuade them to sell the property


  • The woman used all her wiles to tempt him into following her .

    那女人用尽了自己的 诱骗 本领 勾引着他尾随而去。

  • Put on the whole armour of God that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil .

    要穿戴神所赐的全副军装,就能抵挡魔鬼的 诡计

  • Deliver me from all the wiles of the enemy that I may not anger my God by any sin .

    解救我脱离诸 仇敌 谋,勿使我以罪恶干犯上帝 怒。

  • He knows the wiles of the serpent .

    他知道阴险毒辣的 种种 诡计

  • Who knew how to ply her feminine wiles .

    谁知道她是怎么 勾引 他的

  • Because you found none of your social level to ply your wiles on ? he laughed harshly .

    “因为你没有找到和你的社会 地位相同的 实施你的 诡计?”他粗俗笑道。

  • There are actually two types of big data in use today to help understand and deal with climate change Wiles said .


  • She understood all his wiles .

    她完全知道他 花招