Wiener filter


  • A method of medical ultrasonic image denoising based on Wiener filter and wavelet transform

    基于 维纳 滤波与小波相融合的超声医学图像去噪方法

  • Now the technology of image noise reduction includes mean filter Wiener filter median filter noise reduction algorithm based the wavelet and so on .

    现在的降噪技术有均值滤波、 维纳 滤波、中值滤波、小波降噪法等。

  • Denosing process of seismic record is discussed by using balanced orthogonal multiwavelet transform and Wiener filter .

    结合平衡正交多小波变换和 维纳 滤波方法对地震剖面进行去噪处理。

  • The multisensor optimal weighted measurement fusion white noise deconvolution Wiener filter is presented by using the Kalman filtering method .

    利用Kalman滤波方法提出了多传感器最优观测加权融合白噪声反卷积 Wiener 滤波器

  • In the first method it is to restrain noise using two-dimension mean filter and Wiener filter .

    第一种方法首先分析了时 频域上噪声和混响干扰的 统计特性,然后采用基于 统计 特性的二维均值滤波和 Wiener 滤波方法抑制干扰。

  • Self-tuning Information Fusion Wiener Filter and Its Convergence

    自校正信息融合 Wiener 滤波器及其收敛性

  • A preferential continuation operator derived from Wiener filter and Green 's equivalent layer principles is used to separate the anomaly caused by the shall .

    维纳 滤波原理出发,应用多层格林等效层 模型精确 模拟 实测重磁场的径向对数 功率谱,实现了重磁场在 频率域的优选延拓。

  • We analyze the Doppler-resisting performance of time domain Wiener filter .

    本文对时域 维纳 滤波进行了仿真,并考察了其抗多普勒的性能。

  • An Improved Error Loading Method for Multistage Wiener Filter

    一种改进的多级 维纳 滤波器误差加载算法

  • This paper use the Wiener filter methods which can smooth the image background filter most noise .

    在分析比较传统 方法路面 裂缝 图像 增强 效果不足 之处的基础上,本文通过对试验分析,选用了 维纳 滤波方法,它能有效地平滑图像背景、滤除大部分噪声。

  • After establishing the entire experimental system the best pattern may be discovered by comparing the Wiener filter and the auto-adapted LMS filter .

    建立整个实验系统后,通过试验比较 维纳 滤波器和自适应LMS滤波器的优劣,找出最佳方案。

  • Frequency and time dimension joint Wiener filter based channel estimation algorithm for LTE system

    时频 维纳 滤波的LTE信道估计算法

  • It brings a new method of fault selection on the base of wavelet packet transform and Wiener filter .

    本文综合应用小波包变换理论和 维纳 滤波 技术,提出了一种故障选线的新方法。

  • Linear Precoding for the Downlink of Multiuser MIMO System Based on Leading Wiener Filter

    基于前置 维纳 滤波的多用户MIMO系统下行链路线性预编码方法

  • Finally the method of counter-filter based simplified Wiener filter was applied to restore blurred image .

    采用基于简化 Wiener 滤波的逆滤波器方法对模糊图像进行复原。

  • A novel waveform comparison method based on Wiener filter is presented for worst case analysis .

    提出一种 基于 Wiener 滤波器的波形比较方法,应用于 混合电路的最坏情况分析。

  • Based on the Dual-tree Complex Wavelet with 6 Directional Wiener Filter Combine Partial Differential Equation in Image Denoising

    复小波域 维纳 滤波与偏微分扩散相结合的图像去噪方法

  • Introduce the Wiener filter algorithm base on MMSE and time domain channel estimation algorithms .

    介绍了基于MMSE 维纳 滤波算法,变换域信道估计算法,以及判决反馈信道估计算法。

  • This kind of beamformer can eliminate incoherent noise when signals pass Wiener filter then achieve a better speech-enhance effect by linear constraints minimum variance beamforming .

    该波束形成器首先让信号经过 维纳 滤波器消除非相干噪声,而后经过经典的线性约束最小方差处理,最终达到较好的语音增强效果。

  • A wavelet domain Wiener filter is developed in this paper . The design and the application in image denoising of this filter are proposed .

    提出了一种小波域上的 经验 Wiener 滤波器的设计方法,并应用于图像降噪。

  • An improved spatial domain image deblurring algorithm is proposed based on wiener filter and deconvolution .

    改进并提出了基于 频域 维纳 滤波器方法的空域图象模糊复原算法。

  • Multisensor information fusion Wiener filter and smoother

    多传感器信息融合 Wiener 滤波器和平滑器

  • A Wiener filter in wavelet domain is designed by combining the characteristics of the both approaches .

    在小波阈值去噪方法和 经验Wiener滤波器基础上,设计了一种小波域 Wiener 滤波器

  • In order to highlight the essential features of the Wiener filter it has been necessary to simplify the design problem as much as possible .

    为了突出 维纳 滤波器的主要特点,已尽可能地简化了设计问题。

  • The method bases on the adaptive wavelet transforms and the Wiener filter .

    该方法在自适应小波变换的基础上,利用 维纳 滤波图像进行 自适应 处理

  • Fast estimation of signal subspace based on multi-stage Wiener filter

    一种基于多级 维纳 滤波的信号子空间快速估计方法

  • Application of Multistage Wiener Filter in Subspace DF Algorithm

    多级 维纳 滤波在子空间类测向算法中的应用

  • The Research of Adaptive Differential Interference Cancellation Based on Wiener Filter in the Multipath Channels

    多径信道下基于 维纳 滤波器的自适应微分干扰抵消算法的研究

  • To consider the digital frequency measurement structure of multi-path delay a MUSIC frequency estimation algorithm based on the multi-stage Wiener filter ( MSWF ) was presented .

    针对多路延迟数字测频结构,提出了基于多级 维纳 滤波(MSWF)的MUSIC频率估计方法。

  • The improvement of the Wiener filter and the realization of the regularized Wiener filter algorithm based on the LPA-ICI .

    改进了 维纳 滤波 算法,实现了基于LPA-ICI正则化的维纳滤波算法。