


  • XML is well-suited to Atom because a wide variety of tools and technologies including human user interface software needs to support exchange and store Atom feeds ( see Figure 7 ) .

    XML非常 适合 Atom,因为有很多支持交换和存储Atom提要的不同类型的工具和技术,包括人类用户界面软件(参见图7)。

  • As a programmer learning Ruby I admit this is probably not as well-suited to me as to a more experienced Ruby users .

    作为一名学习Ruby的程序员,我承认:这本 适合我,但可能不 适合更有经验的Ruby用户。

  • The GGC is new in IBM ™ JVM1.5.It is well-suited for applications that produce a lot of short-lived small Java objects .

    GGC是IBM™ JVM1.5的新功能,它非常适合生成大量短期存活的Java小对象的应用程序。

  • Applications that follow this data access pattern are well-suited for SDO .

    遵循这种数据访问模型的应用程序 非常 适合SDO。

  • As a text-based standard XML is well-suited for exchanging data between client and server systems .

    作为一个基于文本的标准,XML非常 适于在客户机和服务器系统之间交换数据。

  • It is not a job well-suited to everyone .

    这种工作并不 适合所有人。

  • Finance as a strong theoretical specialized course is well-suited to the lecture-style teaching method .

    金融学作为一门理论性较强的专业课 适合采用讲授式教学法。

  • Seam designers recognize that XML is well-suited to specify web application pages flows or define business process work flows .

    Seam设计者认识到XML 适用 指定页面流程或者定义业务流程的web应用。

  • They are well-suited for apartment living because they 're adjustable and can be taken apart when we move .

    它们非常 适合公寓里 摆放因为它们是可以调整的,而搬家的时候又可以拆卸。

  • There are many jobs that seem to be well-suited for introverts .

    有许多工作似乎很 适合性格内向的人。

  • They are also well-suited for applications experiencing vibration mechanical stress and strong erosive forces .

    非常 适合在受振动、机械应力和强烈腐蚀的环境中应用。

  • This transaction strategy is well-suited for applications that have a complex and fine-grained API layer .

    这种事务策略非常 适合拥有复杂和细粒度API层的应用程序。

  • MDA 's repeatable set of practices is well-suited to today 's iterative development requirements because MDA enhances predictability of the development process and the delivered solution itself .

    MDA的可重复的实践集是 适合当今迭代 的发需求的,因为MDA提高了开发过程和要交付的解决方案本身的可预见性。

  • If you are looking to represent exact quantities such as monetary amounts BigDecimal is well-suited to the task .

    如果您正在寻找一种能精确表示如货币量这样的数值,则 BigDecimal可以很好地胜任该任务。

  • XML is well-suited to FpML as new kinds of derivatives are being created all the time so a flexible notation is required .

    XML非常 适合FpML,因为随时都有新的衍生产品被创造出来,所以需要一套灵活的标记法。

  • Unlike other current Swing libraries for JRuby it is well-suited for constructing large complex multipaneled applications .

    与目前用于JRuby的其他Swing库不同,它非常 适合 构造大型的、复杂的、多面板的应用程序。

  • Certainly . I think this type of color is well-suited for it .

    当然能。我觉得这种颜色非常 适合

  • Ramesses hatches a face-saving plan well-suited to this more critical era .

    拉姆西策划了一场保全颜面的比较 适合的计划来面对这个更多批评的时代。

  • Sagittarius are also philosophical and are well-suited as lawyers professors and ministers .

    哲理的他们还能担任律师、教授和部长等 职务

  • Cognos is very well-suited to support the task of interactive outlier analysis .

    Cognos非常 适合分析交互式离群值。

  • The song is well-suited to the current economic climate and will likely resonate with many listeners .

    此歌非常 契合当前的经济形势,可能会让许多听众产生共鸣。

  • In most cases well-suited SQL statements are very simple SELECT statements that reference only a single table or are INSERT UPDATE and DELETE ( UID ) operations that are executed many times .

    在大多数情况下, 非常 适合使用 参数 标记的SQL语句 要么是非常简单的SELECT语句(只引用一个表),要么是被多次执行的INSERT、UPDATE和DELETE(UID)操作。

  • PHP is a widely-used general-purpose scripting language that is especially well-suited for Web development and can be embedded into HTML .

    PHP是一种广泛应用的多用途的脚本语言,特别 适合网站开发,可以内嵌在HTML文件中。

  • There are a number of common usage patterns that are well-suited for using message queueing .

    有一些最 适合 使用消息排队的常见用法模式。

  • It 's usually well-suited for recreational use but consider your own individual needs .

    它通常 非常 适合娱乐使用,但考虑自己的个人需求。

  • BPM and direct requirements analysis through stakeholder interviews and CBM are an obvious and well-suited way of identifying candidate services .

    通过项目相关人员的会谈和CBM来进行BPM和直接需求分析是一个容易 理解 非常 合适的标识候选服务的方法。

  • DB2 for z / OS stored procedures that encapsulate business functions are well-suited to be reused in Data Web Services .

    封装了业务功能的DB2forz/OS存储过程 适合在DataWebServices中重用。

  • Hadoop is well-suited for processing huge files containing structured data .

    Hadoop非常 适合处理包含结构数据的大型文件。

  • My manager advised that my combined technical marketing and legal background made me uniquely qualified and well-suited for promotion .

    我的经理建议我说我 身兼的技术,市场和法律背景使得我在晋升的 时候处于独一无二的 有利地位。