wheel static

[hwil ˈstætɪk][hwi:l ˈstætik]

[电] 轮静

  • Discussion is made on the significance of wheel orientation check-up for large-scale vehicle and indicated the problems in the dynamic and static check-up .

    论述大型车辆 车轮定位检测的重要性及检测方法,并指出了动态检测和 静态检测中存在的问题。

  • To sustain a larger wheel on the static and dynamic load assembly stress brake shoe brake pad brake thermal stress and centrifugal force through the curve and so on .

    轮对需要承受较大的 载荷和动载荷、组装应力、闸瓦、闸片制动时产生的热应力以及通过曲线时的离心力等。

  • By the drop test the horizontal distortion of wheel axle of undercarriage is been measured and can get the magnification factor of fighter nose undercarriage comparing with the static wheel axle displacement of static calibration .

    通过落震试验,测量出飞机着陆时起落架机轮轮轴的水平变形值,与 标定所得到机 轮轴水平静位移相比较,就可以得到歼击机前起落架水平载荷的动荷系数。

  • Referring to foreign design method of mix gradation of large stone asphalt mixture with multi-grade stone-to-stone theory was brought forward . Then high temperature performance was compared by Wheel Tracking test and uniaxial static creep test and appropriate test was confirmed .

    借鉴国外混合料设计方法,采用多级嵌挤理论提出大粒径沥青混合料的级配,然后通过 车辙试验和单轴蠕变试验比较不同 级配类型混合料的高温性能,确定合适的试验方法。

  • One is that how to demount the wheel and the output shaft that were too difficult to demount in the L60 vertical axial-flow fans the other problem is to test static balance about the wheel .

    就L60立式轴流风机 轮毂与输出轴难于拆卸的问题和叶轮 平衡测试问题进行探讨,并提供用自制的简易龙门架和 平衡装置的方法进行检修的经验。

  • Two Methods of Grinding Wheel Static Balance

    砂轮 平衡方法介绍

  • Cutting tiny annular groove on hard alloy guide wheel by method of electrochemical machining with pulse current in static electrolyte

    硬质合金导线 环槽 液脉冲电解加工

  • This paper describes a simplified method for calculation of box-section girder composed of thick plates under wheel pressure acting at cantilever part of its bottom flange welding technology used . as well as approximate distribution of static stress residual ones and its fatigue performance .

    本文介绍了 压作用在下翼缘外伸悬臂板上的厚板焊接箱形梁的简化计算方法、施焊工艺以及该梁的 静力、疲劳性能和焊接残余应力的分布概况。

  • Electric wheel spindle is used in M215A highspeed internal grinder which acquire high frequency electric power supply from static frequency converter .

    M215A型高速内圆磨床采用电动 砂轮主轴,电动砂轮轴从 静止变频器获得高周波电源;

  • For the calculated zones composed of rotating vane wheel and static volute MRF ( moving reference frames ) is used .

    由于计算域由转动的 叶轮 固定的蜗壳组成,使用了多重参考坐标系(MRF)把旋转区域和静止区域分开。

  • ? The device introduced is used for the rotational velocity regulation of a steel conditioning grinding wheel and driven by electro-hydraulic proportional variable displacement pump-motor system . The static characteristics of control system and the controller design are analyzed .

    介绍了钢坯修磨砂 转速电液比例变量泵控制定量马达调节系统的组成及原理,分析了其 静态特性和控制器的设计。

  • It is shown the impact loading between wheel and rail is about two times of static wheel load which is approximately consistent with experimental one .

    计算结果表明, 车轮和轨道之间的动态接触力大约是 轮载的2倍,与现场试验结果基本吻合;

  • Optimization of momentum-biased wheel rotor based on its static and dynamic properties

    基于 动态特性的偏置动量 轮体结构优化

  • The theory of vehicle-track coupling dynamics and three-dimensional elastic bodies rolling contact with non-Hertzian are used to analyze the contact behavior of the wheel / rail before and after the rail profile optimization in static and dynamic state .

    利用车辆-轨道耦合动力学理论及三维弹性体非赫兹滚动接触理论对优化前后钢轨踏面与原 车轮接触时 静态接触性能及动态接触性能进行了分析。

  • Partial deformation characteristics of stress and strain of steel deck plate and asphalt concrete pave-ment under wheel load are researched through static load test and finite element analysis on model structure of steel deck pavement .

    通过对钢桥面铺装模型结构进行 载试验和有限元分析,研究了钢桥面板及沥青混凝土铺装层在 车轮荷载下的局部变形和应力、应变特性。

  • A novel set of moment wheel actuators is proposed to control a reentry warhead with indifferently static stability .

    提出了一种以动量 为执行机构的具有中性 稳定气动布局的再入弹头姿态控制新方案。

  • The coupling between each component of the wheel force transducer ( WFT ) is studied systematically in terms of both the calibration method and the static decoupling methods .

    在课题组 车轮力传感器已有研究成果的基础上,从传感器标定方法和 静态维间解耦角度深入研究了车轮力传感器维间耦合现象。

  • Through stress analysis to brake wheel it is clear that brake force of the vehicle is not only concerned with brake torque of wheel brake and static radius of tyre but also restricted by adhesiveness between tyre and the ground .

    通过对制动车轮的受力分析,明确了车辆的制动力与 车轮制动器的制动力矩和轮胎的 静力半径有关,同时又受轮胎与地面间附着性能的制约。

  • Corrosion behavior of carbon steel in salt-saturated drilling mud is investigated by dynamic wheel test static weightloss test electrochemical measurement and scanning electron microscopy .

    采用动态 滚轮试验、 静态失重法、电化学方法及扫描电镜研究了碳钢在饱和盐水钻井液中的腐蚀行为。

  • Two methods quick operation and simple calculation of grinding wheel static balance are treated . They are both characterized by simplicity and quickness with rather high accuracy and efficiency .

    本文介绍了 砂轮 平衡的两种方法,即快速平衡法和计算平衡法,其特点是操作简便,并提高了平衡精度和效率。

  • Setting up a Mathematical Model of Automobile Front Wheel Alignment Value of Static Measurement

    静态测量汽车 前轮定位值数学模型的建立

  • The model of the aluminum alloy wheel classified as 16 x 6.57 is built . Static stress analysis is carried out to study the influence of bolt pre-tension centrifugal force and the cornering force to the structural as well as the distributing rule of stress and strain .

    首先根据试验工况建立起16×6.5J 车轮的有限元模型,通过 静力分析研究螺栓预紧力、旋转离心力和试验弯矩对车轮结构强度的影响以及车轮结构的应力应变分布规律。