


  • But it adds a wistful element to their romance .

    也为他们的爱情加了一份 忧郁

  • He looked so wistful as he went away hearing the frolic and evidently having none of his own .

    他走的时候似乎闷闷不乐, 若有所思 他听到你们在玩闹,而显然他自己没什么玩的。

  • She seems a little wistful .

    她好像有点 若有所思 样子

  • His voice is wistful as soft as velvet .

    他的 惆怅的声音如丝绒般温柔。

  • While most of us are content to live our lives with little more thana wistful gaze toward the heavens others have bolder ambitions .

    当我们中的大多数人满足于带着些许 渴望飞向天空的眼神生活的时候,有些人立下了更大胆的雄心壮志。

  • In old age the two men wrote each other wistful letters .

    这两个人晚年时 互通信函, 诉说 怀旧 感伤

  • He felt wistful and then smiled to himself .

    他感到 有些 怀念暗地 还微微一笑。

  • She was a little wistful or sad and even a little bitter .

    她有点 怅惘和哀伤,甚至有点痛苦。

  • These wistful asides are only part of the story for him and others .

    这些 发自内心深处的旁白,就他和别人而言,只是故事的一面。

  • I can 't help feeling slightly wistful about the perks I 'm giving up


  • In the morning on opening his eyes he beheld it regarding him with a wistful and hungry stare .

    早晨,他一睁 开眼觉察到这个 畜生盯着他的如饥似渴的眼光。

  • I had forgotten . I do not believe admiration and wistful thoughts are against the societal norm .

    看来我是 糊涂了,我忘了赞美和 向往 也是 犯罪

  • His sole reference to Watergate was wistful .

    他对水门事件的唯一反应就是 陷入 沉思

  • Don 't heave a wistful sigh like this

    “不要发出一声 渴望的叹息就像这样”

  • His wistful eyes gazing at the shop made this this whole meeting of men so pitiful .


  • If you are Lady Burnewilke by now take my letter as a wistful farewell compliment to an unlikely and wonderful love .

    如果你已经是 勃纳·诀克夫人了,那么就把我这封信看作是对一场不可能实现的,美好绮丽的恋爱依依不舍的赞美词。

  • Only the angels can do that and the angels are wise and wistful .

    只有天使能做到。天使聪慧而又 充满 渴求

  • The child stood looking with wistful eyes at the toys in the shop window .

    那个小孩站在那里用 渴望的眼神看着商店橱窗里的玩具。

  • I sang her a wistful ballad and strung together some rhymes to amuse her .

    我为她唱起一首 恋恋不舍的情歌,把一些同韵的词串在一起,逗她高兴。

  • She had a last wistful look at the house .

    依依不舍 看了屋子最后一眼。

  • The child looked with wistful eyes at the toys in the window .

    小孩看着橱窗里的玩具,眼里 露出 渴求 神情

  • He has a wistful look .

    神情 沮丧

  • The statue has a gentleness an ambience a wistful elegance .

    那尊雕像具有一种柔和、一种独特格调、一种 忧郁 沉思的雅致。

  • Those wistful little ads that the lovelorn place in the classifieds .

    那些 怀念的小广告被失恋的人收藏了起来。

  • Miranda felt a wistful longing for the old days .

    米兰达非常 怀念昔日时光。

  • Now she sat looking out across the park as wistful and depressed as the nature which craves variety and life can be under such circumstances .

    当她坐在那里看着对面的公园 正像 渴求变化和生命的自然界在这种时刻的情绪一样,她 心里 充满着企盼和忧愁。