with a free hand

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  • What is lucasfilm 's involvement with the creation of the series ? Has the company told you what storyline to follow or have they given you a free hand ?

    卢卡斯影业 这个系列的创作中扮演什么样的角色?这个公司是告诉你该遵循什么样的故事情节,还是交由你们 全权处理?

  • Second China had mature feudal rulers who could deal with the relation between politics and religion properly and give a free hand in the development of Buddhism ;

    其二,中国有着成熟的封建统治者,对政教关系能处理得恰到好处,可 放手发展佛教。

  • May always entertains visitors with a free hand .

    梅招待客人一向 大方

  • If you can help me with the cleaning then it 'll give me a free hand .

    “如果你可以帮我清理,我就可以 自由 行动了。”