wharf crane

[hwɔrf kren][hwɔ:f krein]


  • Comparison of Various Treatment Methods for Rail Bearer Foundation of Wharf Gantry Crane


  • Construction and maintenance of wharf portal crane track stringer


  • This paper describes several treatment methods for foundation of rail bearer of wharf gantry crane and puts forward some suggestions for design and construction so as to shorten the maintenance period of gantry crane rail bearer and ensure good performance of equipments .


  • Analysis on Causes of Lifting Arm Breakage of the Wharf Crane

    码头 吊臂破坏的原因分析

  • Application of Dynamic Consolidation Method in Consolidation of Wharf Portal Crane Track Foundation

    强夯法在 码头轨道地基加固中的应用

  • This paper compares the spatial calculation of piled wharf with simplified plane bent structures ' calculation through selected models and analyzes the effect on the simplified transverse beam at different location of the crane so as to obtain the distribution rule and empiric coefficient of crane load .

    通过所选模型进行高桩 码头 结构空间计算与简化的平面排架计算对比,分析 不同位置时传递到所简化横梁的作用效应,从而得出门机荷载的传递分配规律及传递的经验系数。