when and where

[hwɛn ənd hwɛr][hwen ænd hwɛə]

何时何地[法] 时间和地点

  • You and I meet only when and where I decide .

    我们 见面 地点 时间 我来决定。

  • No matter when and where what happens I will remember in this a certain corner of the world a once and I together adventure as strong you .

    无论 何时 地发生什么,我都会记得,在这个世界的某个角落,有个曾和我一起冒险,一样坚强的你。

  • Hey haven 't nailed down when and where to have a meeting .

    开会的 时间 地点尚未确定。

  • Can you tell me when and where the conference will be held ?

    你能告诉我会议召开的 时间 地点吗?

  • Do you know when and where he was born ?

    你知道他出生于 何时 地吗?

  • It simply does not square with the facts about when and where riots happen .

    它与骚乱事实上发生的 时间 地点根本不相符。

  • Love is a traffic accident nobody knows when and where it happens .

    爱情是交通事故谁都不知道 什么 时候 哪儿 谁撞。

  • Tell students when and where to drop off this form .

    告诉学生上交此表的 时间 地点

  • When and where did you shoot that bear ?

    你是 何时 地射杀那头熊的?

  • Remember to check out the Quest Guide to see when and where your next quest is .

    请记住,看看任务指南看到的 时间 地点,然后 下一次的追求是。

  • Your birth certificate says when and where you were born . There is no proper time and place for reading .

    你的出生证写明你的出生 时间 地点。读书没有合宜的时间和地点。

  • They discussed the question when and where they were to set up a chicken farm .

    他们讨论了 何时 地建立养鸡场的事情。

  • When and where did you begin this sport ?

    何时 地开始这项运动?

  • The policemen wanted to know when and where it was purchased .

    警察想知道这东西是 何时 地买的。

  • Did he know when and where we were meeting ?

    他知道我们 何时 地见面吗?

  • This conversation is over as soon as you tell me when and where .

    你告诉我 时间 地点 以后这次谈话就完毕了。

  • When and where the accident happened ;

    事故发生 时间 地点

  • When and where will the party be ?

    晚会将于 何时 地举办?

  • Regardless of when and where is you in the spring summer on good choice .

    无论 何时 地,都是你在春夏的上佳选择。

  • Hasn 't it been decided yet when and where we 'll hold the sports meeting ?

    还没有决定我们将会在 什么 时候 地点举行运动会吗?

  • I forget when and where I first met Rou shi .

    我和柔石最初的相见,不知道是 何时 那里

  • Could you tell me when and where you lost your cell phone ?

    你能告诉我 什么 时候 哪里丢的手机吗?

  • I can handle that for you . When and where will the dinner party have ?

    我可以为您处理。宴会 何时 地举行?

  • Just tell us when and where .

    告诉我们 时间 地点吧。

  • We do not know and probably will never know when and where a particular earthquake occurs .

    而我们不知道、或许永远也不会知道,一场特定的地震会 何时 地发生。

  • When and where will be the next Three Mile Island near-tragedy or the Chernobyl actual one ?

    三哩岛险些酿成悲剧,切尔诺贝利则是噩梦成真。下一次险情会出现 何时 地?

  • When and where is it on ?

    什么 时候 在什么 地方 开演

  • These days men are more selective about when and where to dress up or dress down .

    而如今男士们对 何时 地盛装打扮或穿着随便有了更多的考虑。

  • Sure why not ? When and where do you want to meet ?

    当然可以,为什么不呢?你想 什么 时候 哪儿见面?

  • It has been decided when and where we are to hold the meeting .

    我们 何时 地举行会议,已经决定了。