


  • Managers should plan a well-defined rapid and brief lifecycle for creating the technology environment .

    经理应当对创建技术环境计划一个 明确 定义的、快速的和简短的生命周期。

  • This is not a well-defined question .

    这是一条 常见 没有 意义的问题。

  • Solid requirements functional descriptions and well-defined interfaces are all important .

    稳定的需求、功能描述和 定义 良好的接口都很重要。

  • If the different abstract models are well-defined we can use standard transformations .

    如果不同的抽象模型被 良好 定义,我们能够使用标准的转换。

  • Rules are typically structured as a well-defined pair of condition and action statements .

    规则的结构通常是 定义 良好的条件与操作语句对。

  • Because the formats are well-defined different programs that run under a common GUI can share data .

    这些格式的 良好 定义,实现了同一个通用图形用户界面下运行的不同程序间的数据共享。

  • Significant patterns include design by contract well-defined interfaces composability predictable behavior and component testing .

    重要模式包括契约式设计、 定义 良好的接口、可组合性、可预测的行为和组件测试。

  • These are called partitions in UML2 and have well-defined semantics .

    在UML2中,这些被称为的分区具有 定义 良好的语义。

  • Today 's pawnbrokers operate within well-defined financial regulations .

    当今的典当商按照 明晰的金融规章运作。

  • The value of the SOA project is that it provides a well-defined architecture and firm technology guidelines .

    SOA项目的价值在于,它可提供良好 定义的体系结构和严格的技术指南。

  • Data is freed from application silos and made accessible through open and well-defined interfaces .

    数据从应用孤岛中解放出来,并通过公开和 公认 良好的接口获得访问。

  • The domain is a well-defined subject area described using a limited set of concepts .

    领域是一个 良好 定义的主题方面,并使用一组有限的概念进行描述。

  • The key is that the attack is executed using well-defined APIs and protocols .

    关键的问题是入侵者是使用 定义 良好的API和协议来进行攻击的。

  • But we at least have a well-defined system of contributions and benefits .

    但美国至少有一个 定义 明确的缴付款项和享受福利的系统。

  • Sometimes a well-defined job becomes cluttered with self-imposed tasks .

    有时一项 职责 明确的工作会因一些自愿承担的任务而乱作一团。

  • Each iteration also has a well-defined set of objectives and produces a partial working implementation of the final system .

    每一个迭代也有一系列 良好 定义的目标并生成最终系统的部分工作实现。

  • A DSL imposes a well-defined set of types of elements and relations .

    DSL规定了 良好 定义的的一组元素类型和关系。

  • Such a project will require project management with well-defined plans estimates and associated risk management .

    这样的项目需要项目管理、 良好 定义的计划、评估和关联的风险管理。

  • It consists of well-defined stages and approaches used by management as a product goes through its lifecycle .

    它由 定义 明确的阶段和产品生命周期使用的管理方法组成。

  • Can you look back and see a well-defined path or simply an aimless series of job moves with no coherent structure ?

    回顾过去时能看到一条 清晰的轨迹,还是只能看到一连串毫无目的、前后不连贯的工作经历?

  • A CORBA system accomplishes this magical task by confining the interaction between objects to well-defined interfaces .

    CORBA系统通过将对象之间的交互 定义明确的接口完成了这一不可思议的任务。

  • SOA provides an application architecture in which you define processes as services that have well-defined interfaces .

    SOA提供了一个应用程序体系结构,您可以在其中将流程作为具有 定义 良好的接口的服务进行定义。

  • In this model services / containers support well-defined operational contracts with the quality requirements defined through policies and SLA .

    在该模型中,服务或容器支持 定义的带有通过策略和SLA定义的质量需求的运行契约。

  • Identifiable means that every resource can be uniquely identified via well-defined syntax .

    可识别的表示每一个资源都可以通过 明确 定义的语法进行惟一识别。

  • Establish well-defined roles and responsibilities .

    建立 定义 良好的角色和职责。

  • These insects have a well-defined head with compound eyes and antennae .

    这些昆虫的头部, 界限 分明,长有复眼和触须。

  • In the platform management API these well-defined objects are called MXBeans .

    在平台管理API中,这些 定义 良好的对象叫做MXBean。