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  • As the wheels of diplomacy whirr on the cogs of the Greek economy are grinding out a new reality .

    在外交车轮 继续 前行,希腊经济的齿轮也正 艰难 咬合”出一片新天地。

  • She was glad when the short half hour was over and the wheels began to whirr again .

    她很高兴短短的半小时过去了, 轮又 转动了起来。

  • Inside the brightly lit machines whirr click and zap transforming polysilicon ingots into panels that are shipped off to Brazil Germany or America .

    厂房里,一台台 锃光 瓦亮的机器 飞速 旋转着,喳喳 作响,把一块块多晶硅锭 造成太阳能面板,它们将被销往巴西、德国和美国等地。

  • We stayed together for some time my mother and I invaded by small night sounds and the raspy whirr of crickets .

    我们在一起呆了一会儿,妈妈和我,夜晚 各种细小的声音,蟋蟀 沙沙 鸣声闯了 进来

  • No sound except the whirr of fan blades above our borrowed bed the silvery notes of my mother 's wooden cuckoo .

    在我们借来的床的上方,一 风扇在 飞速 旋转着,母亲有一只木制的布谷鸟,音 清脆,除 之外 便是一片寂静。

  • The city is also hot and humid so windows are left open or air-conditioners whirr away day and night .

    而当地天气湿热,窗户常常大开,空调 日夜 运转

  • The grape like the hum and whirr of wind through the trees .

    像嗡嗡 呼呼的风掠过葡萄园。

  • He heard a whirr of wings and the ducks shot up into the air .

    他听到一阵 呼呼的翅膀 ,这些鸭子迅速飞到了空中。

  • Quickly Khadgar closed the cover and the book silenced itself with a sharp whirr and a snap itsmechanism resetting .

    卡德加赶紧合上书。这书发出了一声短促而尖厉的 怪声后重归平静,它内部的某种 机构被重置了。

  • The camera whirred and clicked .

    相机 发出 嗡嗡 和咔嚓

  • With the right monetary fiscal and regulatory tools the growth machine will eventually whirr into life .

    有了正确的货币,财政和监管工具,这部增长中的机器将最终 迎来生机。