whirling speed


  • The results show that the whirling mode of a concentric Jeffcott rotor is associated with the rotation speed of the rotor and the system also will be whirling at half of the rotor rotation speed and become unstable at the speed on the forward whirling mode .

    结果表明大间隙环流作用下的同心转子系统的涡动模式取决于 转速,系统也将 产生半速 动并最终以正向涡动模式失稳。

  • It is a very complex process of physics and chemistry that the combustion of the base bleed propellant in whirling shape of high speed .

    底排药剂在 高速 旋转状态下的燃烧是一个极其复杂的物理、化学过程,采用 普通 光学 高速 摄影机对其 开展研究已 无法实现。

  • On Characterizing Factors of Whirling Vibration of Propulsion Shafting for High Speed Ship

    高速船推进轴系 回旋振动影响因素及特点探析

  • The results confirm that the work time of the bulldozer near the whirling speed is more than 50 % of all time at normal state .

    结果显示:推土机正常工作时,在 临界 转速区段附近工作时间比较长,占整个工作时间段的50%以上。

  • The actual whirling speed is higher than the tradition theory whirling speed .

    实际 临界 转速要高于传统理论上的临界转速。

  • Mix the pump and adopt the whirling impeller of high speed the material and liquid that will need to mix carry on abundant and effective mixing .

    水粉混合泵采用 高速 旋转的叶轮,将所需混合的料和液进行充分有效的搅拌。

  • The whirling frequency in the unstable region increases with increase on fluid viscosity or rotational speed but decreases with increase on fluid volume .

    转子 频率随 转速或流体黏度的增大而增大,随充液量的增大而减小。

  • For reducing whirling the radial sampling period must be suitable to the rotor speed not excessively short .

    为减小 ,转子径向采样周期应与 转速相适应,不宜过快。