Windows setup

[ˈwɪndoz ˈsɛtˌʌp][ˈwindəuz ˈsetˌʌp]


  • NET provides printing component class to realize function of Windows - based Printing Report . This paper discusses how to use these components to complete integrative technique of page - setup print - preview and printer - setup .

    NET提供的打印组件类可以实现基于 Windows的打印功能,介绍了如何应用这些组件实现页面 设置、打印预览及打印设置于一体的通用打印报表技术。

  • Press next to continue windows setup offline .

    按“下一步”脱机继续 windows 安装 程序

  • A Probability Tabu Search Method for Solving Pickup And Delivery Problem with Time Windows ; Please wait while Setup installs or uninstalls language files . This might take a few minutes .

    求解带时间 的装-卸载问题的概率式禁忌搜索算法 安装 程序正在安装或卸载语言文件,请稍候。这可能要花几分钟的时间。

  • Setup will now close all applications and restart windows with the new configuration .

    安装 程序现在将关闭所有应用程序,以新的配置重启 windows

  • If no partition is currently marked active setup sets one as active using the same process applied by Windows Vista setup previously .

    如果你不符合条件的,例如,如果你有未分配系统 分区磁盘空间, 安装程序试图利用现有的启动文件系统分区。

  • This article introduces right sort of Windows 2000 and discusses the relationship between NTFS right and sharing right and expounds methods of right 's setup and cancelling default sharing and outlines the main points in Windows 2000 's right management .

    文章介绍了 Windows2000的权限分类,讨论了NTFS权限和共享权限的关系,阐述了 设置及取消默认共享的方法,概括了Windows2000的权限管理要点。

  • The wizard was unable to download the updated windows setup files .

    向导无法下载更新的 windows 安装 程序文件。

  • Do you want users to provide information during windows setup ?

    windows 安装时,您想让用户提供信息吗?

  • No numbers exist that can be dialed the windows administrator must go into connection settings to setup new numbers .

    没有可以拨打的号码, windows管理员必须到“连接设置”中去 设置新的号码。

  • Windows users are advised to run symfony and to setup their new project in a path which contains no spaces .

    Windows用户应运行在一个没有空格的路径包含Symfony和以此 建立自己的新项目。

  • Binary distributions are available for Windows Mac OS X Linux and Solaris while various package managers provide easy installation and setup options for other systems .

    二进制发行版在 Windows、MacOSX、Linux和Solaris上都可以使用,同时,各种包管理器为其他系统提供了简单的安装和 设置选项。

  • Windows setup could not copy the appropriate files .

    windows 安装 程序无法复制适当的文件。

  • Only the text-mode portion of windows setup is automated .

    只有 windows 安装 程序的文本模式部分是自动化的。

  • Specify the path to the windows setup files .

    指定 windows 安装 程序文件的路径。

  • You can customize windows setup by providing a default name and organization .

    通过提供默认名称和单位,您可自定义 windows 安装 程序

  • Helps you fix problems that can occur during windows setup .

    帮助您纠正 windows 安装期间出现的问题。

  • REG is database about Windows storage computer configure info including setup of run mode in system running call .

    注册表是 Windows 系统存储关于计算机配置信息的数据库,包括系统运行时调用的运行方式的 设置

  • Unable to open < 0s # 80 > . please install the quick view accessory from windows setup .

    无法打开<0s80>。请从 windows 安装 程序安装“快速查看”附件。

  • WiX is much more flexible than the Visual Studio Setup Project currently available today and it supports managed code to interact with the Windows Installer .

    相对于当前使用的VisualStudio 安装项目,Wix更加灵活。而且它支持托管代码和 WindowsInstaller进行交互。

  • The Setup Manager wizard is ready to copy the windows setup files to the distribution folder .

    安装管理程序向导准备将 windows 安装 设置文件复制到分发文件夹。

  • Them the MPI ( Message Passing Interface ) for PC is introduced and an experimental setup based on Windows XP and PC cluster is built .

    然后介绍了PC机群系统和MPI(messagepassinginterface)消息传递机制。在此基础上,介绍了 建立基于 WindowsXP和MPI的PC机群实验环境。

  • Windows Setup does not support this usage of the / BTFolderPath command-line argument .

    Windows 安装 程序不支持/BTFolderPath命令行参数的此种用法。

  • Windows could not start Setup from the local system .

    Windows无法从本地系统启动 安装 程序

  • You should now have a clean Windows environment ready for component installation and setup .

    现在,您应该具备了一个干净的 Windows环境,可以开始安装和 设置组件了。

  • Please switch the Windows terminal server to install mode before running setup .

    请在运行 安装 程序前将 windows终端服务器切换到安装模式。

  • It verifies the correctness of this analysis based on Windows NT 'S system program - SETUP . EXE .

    并结合 WINDOWSnt系统程序 SETUP.EXE验证了这一分析的正确性。

  • Windows XP Setup successfully completes the text-mode part of Setup .

    WindowsXP 安装成功完成安装的文本模式部分。

  • Enjoy A New User Interface With A LOT MORE screen information and floating Windows to take advantage of your multi-monitor setup .

    享受一种新的用户界面比以往多多了屏幕上的信息和浮动 视窗利用您的多显示器 设置的优势。