wiping cloth


  • It 's up to you how obsessively you want to clean your mobile devices but health and electronics experts advise wiping down your mobile device with a moist microfiber cloth at least daily for basic sanitation and upkeep .

    想要把你的电子设备清洁到什么程度,这完全取决于你自己,但是健康与电子器件专家建议,为了基本的卫生与保养,至少每天一次地使用湿润的超细纤维 布来 擦拭你的移动设备。

  • Our company is professional in developing manufacturing and trading industry wiping paper wiping cloth and absorbent pad .

    生产与销售工业擦拭纸 擦拭 、吸油棉等工业擦拭

  • Development of spun-bonded / spun-laced nonwoven wiping cloth for lint-free electronics

    纺粘/水刺电子无尘 擦拭 的开发

  • By discussing demanding for wiping cloth for electronics the paper thinks that one kind of spun-bonded / spun-laced compound nonwoven fabric can meet the demand .

    通过电子产品对 擦拭 要求的讨论,认为一种纺粘/水刺复合非织造布可以满足这一要求。

  • Good antifogging effect was achieved when a mirror was wiped with that wiping cloth .

    用该 擦拭镜面防雾效果良好。

  • She sat beside the lamp with her sleeves rolled up wiping cups and mugs and placing them with her deft red and sunburnt hands on a cloth that was spread on the bedstead .

    这会儿她坐在灯旁,卷起衣袖,用她那双晒得黑黑的灵巧而好看的手 擦干大小杯子,把它们放在板 的手巾上。

  • Design and Producing the Wiping Cloth Made of Superfine Fiber Textiles

    超细纤维 洁净 的设计与生产

  • Just wiping with a dry cloth can restore the shimmer .

    只是 了干 就能够恢复光泽。

  • D.Wiping with dry paper wipes then wiping with a solvent dampened cloth and finally wiping with dry cloth .

    先用干纸擦,然后用蘸有溶剂的布 ,最后用干

  • Before putting a new ring on the frame it is unnecessary to make any other treatment just removing the oil from the surface by wiping with a clean and soft cloth .

    新钢领上车前,只需有清洁柔软的 布料 揩拭表面,以去掉油脂,不需再经任何表面处理。

  • Dr. Guerrero and his colleagues found that regularly wiping down your device with a moist microfiber cloth was sufficient to eliminate many kinds of common bacteria .

    古雷罗博士与他的同事们发现,经常 一块湿润的超细纤维 擦拭电子设备,就足以擦掉很多种常见细菌。