wing it

[wɪŋ ɪt][wiŋ it]


  • It can make the aircraft roll to the right as it creating different life on each wing and it also make the aircraft have a left heading by hitting the rudder from the left side .

    侧风会使飞机在左右两个 机翼上产生不同的升力,让飞机产生向右侧的滚动。同时,风力对方向舵的打击 会改变机头的指方。

  • All right . we 're just gonna wing it * Like we always do .

    好吧, 我们就开始 即兴 表演 ,就像我们以前经常做的那样。

  • He 'll read some reviews so he can wing it when he talks to the writer on his show .

    这样在节目上他 就能和这位作家 海阔天空地进行讨论了。

  • Strutting into an interview assuming you can just do it is like thinking In this audition I 'm going to wing it and play Chopin he says .

    参加面试时假设它等同于你能做到的思考的水平。在这场试演中,我要 临场发挥 弹上一曲肖邦。

  • I 'll have to wing it if I can 't find my notes .

    如果找不到笔记,我就得 即兴

  • The teacher didn 't tell us in advance that we would have a quiz today ; she just wanted us to wing it .

    老师没有预先通知 我们今天要测验;她就是要我们 临场 发挥

  • You can just wing it .

    你可以来 即兴 表演

  • The party split into the left and right wing soon after it was found

    该党成立不久 分裂成左翼和 右翼

  • If a bird has one weak wing and another strong wing it can not fly normally .

    鸟儿的 双翅若是一弱一强, 无法正常地翱翔;

  • The parent bird limps away from the nest holding out one wing as though it were broken .

    母鸟一瘸一拐地离开巢穴,同时把一边的 翅膀 展开好象已经折断。

  • A suitcase-sized chunk of foam broke off the tank and hit the edge of Columbia 's left wing when it was launched on Jan.16 .

    2003年1月16日,在发射“哥伦比亚”号航天飞机时,一个手提箱大小的泡沫胶块从燃料箱外壳脱落,之后撞到机体的左侧 机翼,使 受到损坏。

  • Story of the West Wing it wouldn 't be as interesting a book .

    如果 删除西厢记》里的不 文字,读 起来就没那麽有趣了。

  • When the air-to-surface missile folded spring wing deploys it is in position within a second the rotary angular speed and angular acceleration for the wing become zero suddenly and at the same time the aerodynamic teaches the design values .

    空面导弹折叠弹 外翼展开过程中, 一秒钟内展开到位, 转动角度、角加速度突然为零,同时气动力达到设计值。

  • The person who decides just to wing it will never make as favorable an impression as someone who is prepared .

    决定 临时 应付的人永远 不会给人留下很好的印象。

  • With the rage of the ultra right wing power it has some significance to publish the Chinese version .

    在日本极 右翼势力日益猖獗的形势下, 中译本出版有着一定的现实意义。

  • The literature essay New Romanticism translated by Shi Zhe-cun represented the editors ' attitudes towards the prevailing Left Wing literature . It was also a doctrinal study and recognition of the literature ideology .

    主编施蛰存翻译的文艺论文《新的浪漫主义》可以代表《现代》的编者对当时盛行的 左翼文学思潮的态度,是 学理上对这种文学思潮的研究和辨识。

  • They 're just gonna wing it ?

    他们能 即兴 来一

  • In special weather conditions transmission lines may be iced in windward side with some features of the wing . It may cause a large amplitude and low-frequency self-excited vibration which is so called galloping .

    在特殊的气象条件下,输电导线可能在 迎风面结冰,具有 的某些特征, 从而使导线发生大幅、低频的自激振动,即舞动。

  • Then maybe we should just forget the map and wing it .

    忘了地图, 跟着 感觉 吧。

  • Both normal rules and informal rules can maintain market order they are wing of it .

    它们是市场秩序的 两翼

  • But judging from the wing it looked to me that when he see the ghost in the queen 's apartment he might have made more of his stockings .

    不过,我从 过去,觉得他在王后的寝宫中看到鬼魂时,本来还可以使那双长统袜表现得更帅一些。

  • The bird tried to get him away from her nest by dragging a wing as if it had been injured .

    那只母鸟拖着 似乎受了伤的一个 翅膀,试图让他离开她的巢。

  • I guess you 'll have to wing it .

    我想你必须 头皮 上场

  • Just try to wing it .

    不过是 临时 应付 一下而已。

  • She hadn 't studied for the exam so she decided to wing it .

    她没有为考试准备,所以决定 临场 发挥

  • Based on the potential theory conclude mathematical model and calculate methods when use panel method to calculate the force which two-dimensional wing receive when it moves steady or unsteady . Analyse factors which influence accuracy of results .

    本文基于势流理论,归纳了用 面元法计算二维 机翼 定常和非定常状态下的受力所用到的数学模型和计算方法,总结了影响到结果精度的多种因素。

  • Make sure you prepare your stories too & you might be able to wing it but you won 't give the best answers if you do .

    准备好你的故事&你可以 夸张,但是如果你这样做了就不会是最优秀的回答了。

  • He admitted that he was constantly on the phone between public appearances and rarely had time to prepare for his next event telling Sarpong : I wing it all the time .

    他承认,在公共场合 露面的间隙他总是不停在打电话,几乎没有时间来准备他的下一步活动