


  • Madagascar hissing cockroaches are large wingless cockroaches that can grow to between 1.5 to 3 inches ( 3.8 to 7.6 cm ) .

    马达加斯加发声蟑螂体形较大, 翅膀,可成长为1.5至3英寸长(3.8-7.6厘米)。

  • Difference of Development and Reproduction of Aphis gossypii Glover Winged and Wingless Morph

    有翅型与 型棉蚜发育及繁殖能力比较研究

  • North American moth with gray-winged males and wingless females ; larvae are fall cankerworms .

    北美洲的蛾子,雄性为灰色翅膀而雌性 翅膀;幼虫为秋天的尺蠖。

  • The luminous larva or wingless grub-like female of a firefly .

    发光的幼虫或者缺 的幼虫样雌性飞虫。

  • The wingless bugs are reddish-brown oval-shaped and have six legs .

    这些 昆虫全身红棕色,椭圆形,六条腿。

  • Any of several minute primitive wingless and eyeless insects having a cone-shaped head ; inhabit damp soil or decaying organic matter .

    几种微小的原始 无眼昆虫,锥形头;栖息在潮湿的土壤或腐败组织的物质中。

  • Wingless insect living in dark moist places as under dead tree trunks ; they make erratic leaps when disturbed .


  • Wingless insect with mouth parts adapted for biting ; mostly parasitic on birds .


  • Large dark wingless cricket-like katydid of arid parts of western United States .

    美国西部干旱地区形似蟋蟀的大型深色 的树螽。

  • An arthropod genus of wingless flies including the sheep ked .

    包括绵羊虱蝇在内的 蝇科的一个属。

  • Would a wingless lion lie down before Thee as this winged lion lies ?

    一只不长 翅膀的狮子在你面前,会像这带翅膀的狮子 一样 顺从躺下?

  • Large wingless nocturnal grasshopper that burrows in loose soil along the United States Pacific coast .

    大型 舞池夜间活动的蝗虫,在美国太平洋海滨松软的泥土中钻洞。

  • Minute wingless psocopterous insects injurious to books and papers .

    微小 的啮虫科昆虫,破坏书籍和报纸。

  • Whilst the phoenix of the Olympic Games is reborn from its ashes Greece inspired by a reminiscence of its past glory is encouraged and supported by the Wingless Victory .

    在奥运之凤涅盘之际,因昔日荣耀而被铭记的希腊受到了的鼓舞与 拥戴

  • Any of various social insects of the order Embioptera having two-winged males and wingless females both of which produce silk from glands in the front legs .

    纺足目的各种群居昆虫,雄性有两个 翅膀,雌性 没有 翅膀,但都能从前腿的分泌腺中吐出丝线。

  • But Hassanali found it has startlingly different results on juvenile wingless locusts known as hoppers .

    但是哈桑纳尼发现它对称为蝗蝻的 蝗虫幼虫有令人吃惊的不同效果。

  • High or low temperature can influence survival fecundity and longevity and determine the form of winged or wingless morphs of aphids .

    温度变化对不同蚜虫种类的生殖力、生存力以及 有翅蚜产生与否有极大影响。

  • Any wingless blood-sucking parasitic insect noted for ability to leap .

    任何 、吸血的寄生昆虫,以其跳跃的能力闻名。

  • Wingless fly that is an external parasite on sheep and cattle .

    寄生在羊和牛体外的 苍蝇。

  • Small wingless insect with a long bristlelike tail .


  • Silver-gray wingless insect found in houses feeding on book bindings and starched clothing .

    银灰色的 昆虫,出没于家庭中吃书中的粘胶和浆洗过的衣物。