


  • This was no ordinary wintery mist but rather a noxious haze of sulfur dioxide from coal-fired industrial factories and cookstoves in London homes .

    这可不是普通 雾,而是一种由工业燃煤和家庭燃炉产生的有毒二氧化硫烟雾。

  • Software Description : About Polar Bear Family This theme has a wintery scene with a family of snuggly polar bears .

    这个主题跟一个家庭一起有一个 寒冷的场景中的北极熊。

  • Software Description : About Equine Winter Here are35 wintery scenes of horses donkeys and mules .

    这儿是马, 毛驴和骡子的35 冬天的场景。

  • Software Description : About To All A Good Night This Christmas theme has a background image of a snowy cabin by a stream on a wintery night .

    这个圣诞节主题在一个 冷漠的晚上在溪旁边有雪的座舱的背景图画。

  • Discussion no the wintery construction technique of rigid waterproofing massive concrete foundation

    浅谈大体积刚性自防水混凝土 底板 施工技术

  • It 's finally cold and wintery and almost everyone I know has a cold of some kind .

    天气终于变冷, 感觉 冬天 气息了,几乎所有我认识的人都感冒。