winding data

[ˈwaɪndɪŋ ˈdetə][ˈwaɪndɪŋ ˈdeitə]


  • According to the design idea provided in the document ( 1 ) the design calculation formulas of fibre winding high internal pressure container with metal bearing lining are derived the original results are corrected with comparision to experiment data of actual calculation example .

    本文根据文献1w_1755提出的设计思想,推导了具有金属承载内衬的纤维 缠绕高内压容器的设计计算公式,修正了原文结果,并与实际算例的试验 数据进行了比较。

  • Four kinds of industrial simulation models of generator stator winding were designed and a lot of experimental data of different discharge patterns ( types and serious levels ) were obtained .

    设计了4种发电机 定子线棒工业仿真模型,取得了不同放电模式(类型和发展程度)的大批试验 数据

  • In The paper the principle on the precise tension system of a numerical controlled filament winding machine and it'skey technology - data acquisition technology are described .

    文中介绍了新研制的数控纤维 缠绕机精密张力控制系统的工作原理及其关键技术& 数据采集技术。

  • Winding faults can be identified by measuring transformer short-circuit reactance and analyzing the data .

    通过测量变压器的短路电抗并 计算分析,可以判断变压器的 绕组故障。

  • Application of computer graphics to detection of transformer winding deformation with FR data

    图形学在频响 数据诊断变压器 绕组变形中的应用

  • First of all the algorithm calculates the each side winding flux in equation which uses the transformer data ( currents and voltage ) and the transformer parameter including resistance and leakage inductance at each transformer terminal .

    在正常运行 状况下(包括励磁涌流),由变压器原、副边 绕组电阻、漏感和互感磁通等参数描述的变压器原、副边绕组回路方程是平衡的;

  • More common are instances of authorized users accidently winding up where they should not be and inadvertently deleting or changing data .

    更常见的案例是那些合法授权用户偶然也 进他们不应该进入的地方,无意地删除或修改 数据

  • A filament winding pattern for elbows and a new data processing method are presented in this paper .

    给出了用于弯管的纤维 缠绕模式和一种被称为节点存储法的新的 数据处理方法。

  • Based on determining the main size of a linear motor and the electro-megnetic relations of stator winding circles and steel second the least experienced data are selected to obtain the main size and related parameters of a linear motor .

    从确定电机的主要尺寸,定子 绕组匝数和钢次级的电磁性能相联系的角度出发,选取最少的经验 数据,以获得电机的主要尺寸和有关参数。

  • The paper analyze the rotor winding inter turn short circuit fault mechanism and design high speed data processing system based on DSP . The system can collect the air gap EMF signal .

    电机转子 绕组 间短路故障是电机常见故障之一,本文在分析电机转子 绕组 短路故障机理的基础上,设计了基于DSP的高速 数据处理系统,采集了气隙电动势信号。

  • A multi circuit calculation method is suggested for calculation of the current of the damping winding bar and a method of data transfering is offered to monitor damping winding .

    同时针对阻尼 绕组提出了用多回路法计算阻尼条电流的方法,并提出一种 数据传递方式实施对阻尼绕组的监测。

  • Based on the theory above we developed a set of on-line detecting system on power transformer winding deformation using 51 series micro controller unit ( MCU ) which can perform data acquisition displaying the result of measurement and communication with the IBM-PC.

    本文利用51系列单片机研制了变压器 绕组变形在线检测系统,该系统可以实现 数据采集、测量结果显示、与上位计算机通讯等功能。

  • Based on varying core length or winding structure a series data of induction motor by series Y are giver in this paper .

    从Y系列电机节材设计出发,在同一统组结构改变铁芯长度及相同 铁芯而改变 绕组结构的不同条件下,列出了样机的设计、 实测 数据

  • This paper uses C programming language to program a set of assembly which can detect the transformer winding deformation by SVM algorithm for the first time . And vast amounts of emulational data are used to verify the feasibility of this method .

    本文首次使用C语言编写出一套应用SVM算法检测 绕组变形的程序集,并通过大量的仿真 数据验证方法的可行性。

  • Damping on the axial motor thrust bearing structure hollow shaft and damping winding structure has been analyzed on the electrical test data were analyzed and combined with the status quo of the market prospects for future analysis .

    对电机轴承的轴向阻尼止推结构、空心轴结构和阻尼 绕组结构进行了重点分析,对电机的试验 数据进行了分析,并结合现状,对今后的市场前景进行分析。