wind load

[wɪnd lod][wind ləud]


  • Application of the suction method to reduce the wind load on high-rise building

    吸气方法在高层建筑 荷载中的应用

  • Study on Reliability of Displacement Controlled of Aqueduct Structure System under Wind Load


  • Research on Influence of Cable Wind Load on Wind Action of Suspension Bridges

    缆索 荷载对悬索桥风效应的影响研究

  • Numerical Simulation Methods of Wind Load for Large-Span Spatial Grid Structure

    大跨度空间网架结构 荷载数值模拟方法

  • Numerical simulation of mean wind load on large hyperbolic cooling tower

    大型双曲冷却塔平均 荷载的数值模拟研究

  • In this paper the model of wind load acting on the cables is established .

    通过推导,建立了作用于缆索 上风 荷载的计算模型。

  • Research on wind-induced response and equivalent static wind load of New Guangzhou Railway Station

    新广州火车站大跨屋盖结构风振响应及等效静力 荷载研究

  • Experimental Investigation of the Wind Load Characteristics of Long Span Roof

    大跨屋盖结构 荷载特性的试验研究

  • The experiment results showed the static interference effects among these buildings reduced the wind load on each building .

    研究了不同体型双塔间的静力干扰效应,顺、 横风向和 扭转 方向的无 量纲 荷载 系数等问题。

  • UHV Transmission Tower ; Degree of Reliability ; Safety Class Factor ; Wind Load Return Period .

    特高压输电杆塔;可靠度;结构重要性系数; 风荷 载重现期。

  • Study on the wind load for the furnace top of huge blast furnace

    特大型高炉炉顶系统 荷载试验研究

  • Study in time domain on equivalent static wind load of large span steel structure ;

    等效静 荷载为大跨屋盖结构设计提供了处理时空变化 动力 荷载的有效途径。

  • Study on numerical simulation of static wind load of the double rectangular aqueduct

    矩形双渡槽静 荷载的数值模拟研究

  • Based on the test results distribution of wind load was analyzed which provides data for structure design .

    分析了表面的 风压分布,为结构设计提供了依据。

  • According to characteristics of large-span structures a methodology was proposed to analyse the equivalent static wind load for multiple targets of China 's National Stadium .

    针对大跨结构的 响应特点,研究多目标等效静 荷载的分析方法,并采用该方法对国家体育场等效静 荷载进行了研究。

  • A simplified fluid-structure method based on the experimental data of circular cylinder in flow field was proposed to estimate the variation of wind load on the tree branches due to large deformation .

    用基于圆柱绕流实验数据的简化流固耦合模拟方法估算了树枝大变形后作用在树枝上的 荷载变化。

  • Study on wind load shape factors for long-span hangar structures

    大跨度机库结构 荷载体型系数研究

  • Based on the current Chinese wind load codes the motion equations of a structure with active multiple tuned mass dampers ( AMTMD ) are established .

    基于我国现行的 荷载规范,建立了在 荷载作用下结构-主动多重调谐质量阻尼器(AMTMD)系统的动力方程。

  • Stress Analysis of Well Hole of Long Span Transmission Tower under Static Wind Load

    大跨越输电塔电梯井道在静 载荷下的受力分析

  • Theoretical and Experimental Research on Wind Load and Wind Induced Response of Large Hyperbolic Cooling Towers

    大型双曲冷却塔的 荷载和风致响应理论分析与试验研究

  • Research on Effect of Wind Load and Wind-parameters of the Air-cooled Structure

    火电厂空冷结构体系 效应及风参数研究

  • Effect of wind load acting on the cables on the aerostatic and aerodynamic behavior of long-span suspension bridges

    缆索 荷载对大跨径悬索桥空气静力和动力行为的影响分析

  • Wind load is the primary design concern among all the loads .

    结构的控制荷载主要为 荷载

  • Reliability analysis on transmission tower structural system under the action of wind load


  • Dynamic response analysis of engineering ropeway with wind load

    载荷 作用 工程索道的动态响应分析

  • Wind Load ; Variable Structure Control ; Interference Suppression ;


  • Mechanics Analysis of Billboard of Expressway Under Wind Load

    荷载 作用下高速公路广告牌的力学分析

  • Through the combination of image recognition technique with ANN system wind load simulation of long-span structures is presented .

    将图像识别技术和神经网络(ANN)系统相结合,给出了大跨度结构 荷载的模拟方法。

  • Experimental study on wind load and interference effect of surrounding buildings on Peking University Gymnasium roof ;

    不同工况下屋盖 表面 风压 分布 特性表明,周边建筑对所测建筑的 荷载较大的干扰影响。

  • Study on longitudinal wind load calculation method of cables for cable-stayed bridge

    斜拉桥的拉索纵桥 向风 荷载计算方法研究