


  • Coast-dune-rocks are formed in deposits of wind-drift sands through carbonate cementation and show typical features of wind-borne deposits in texture and structure .

    海岸沙丘岩是由风沙沉积经碳酸盐胶结而 沉积结构和构造,具有典型的 沉积特征。

  • In practice wind-borne pollen from outside will enter an orchard .

    实际上, 来自园外的花粉会随风 园内

  • Experimental Studies on the Intercropping of Chinese Toon and Crops in Wind-borne Sandy Areas of the Plain

    平原 风沙区香椿与农作物间作 效益的试验研究

  • The agricultural area pollution and the wind-borne dust in the bare farmland should be harnessed .

    农业面源污染、裸露农田 扬尘 基本得到控制。

  • The seeds although winged do not become wind-borne .

    其种子虽然有翅,也不能形成 风力 传播