

[计] 合适性,合式性

  • It then introduces to the reader the set of universal principles proposed to constrain the well-formedness of phrases and sentences .

    然后解释一组制约短语和句子 合格 的普遍原则。

  • The most common example is a document that lacks well-formedness .

    最常见的例子是缺乏 良好 格式的文档。

  • DB2 itself will verify the well-formedness of XML documents that are inserted rejecting those that don 't meet the requirement .

    DB2本身会对插入的XML文档的 格式 良好 进行验证, 拒绝那些不符合要求的文档。

  • Finally the fully assembled XML file is tested for well-formedness .

    最后,对组装完全的XML文件进行测试,以 保证 格式 良好

  • It then delimits the subject matters of the study concentrating on the issues of syntactic well-formedness and semantic interpretation .

    接着进一步定义了本文研究的对象是 代词隐现 引起的句法 合格 和语义解读的问题。

  • The JOLAP specification is exhaustive in its coverage of the query model query requirements well-formedness and the query transaction model .

    JOLAP规范非常全面,它涵盖了查询模型、查询需求、 格式 良好 和查询事务模型。

  • But there may be times when a database or application person wants to check a given XML document or documents for well-formedness or validation prior to inserting into DB2 .

    但是,当数据库或者应用程序相关人员想要在插入DB2之前,检查 给XML文档或文档的 格式 正确 或有效 时,需要 花费 一些时间。

  • As you learn to create your XML files open them in an XML editor to check for well-formedness and confirm that you 're following the rules of XML .

    在学习创建XML文件时,在XML编辑器中打开它,以检查 结构 是否 良好,并且确保您遵循XML规则。

  • The XML1.0 well-formedness definition specifically states that attributes are unordered but says nothing about elements .

    XML1.0 结构 良好 定义专门指出属性是没有顺序的,但是没有说元素。

  • As long as the well-formedness of the overall document is maintained PHP scripts can include or ignore other sections with ease .

    只要维护 整个文档的 格式 良好 ,PHP脚本就可以很容易包含或忽略其他部分。

  • In practice an error is reported when something goes wrong that has to do with content usually unexpected but not with the structure or well-formedness of an XML document .

    实际应用中,当XML内容(而不是 格式或结构)出现了意想不到的问题就会报告一个错误。

  • The grammatical meaning of a sentence refers to its grammaticality that is its grammatical well-formedness .

    句子的语法意义指的是它的语法 ,即语法 合法

  • The too generically and perhaps a bit wrongly named'XML Parser'is a somewhat older tool to check the syntacticality and well-formedness of an XML document ( but not to validate against a DTD ) .

    “XML语法分析器”这个 叫法太笼统,也许还不太确切,实际上它是一种比较旧的工具,用于检查XML文档是否符合句法以及其结构是否完好(但对于DTD无效)。