Westergren method


  • RDW was determined with automatic blood analyzer and ESR was determined by Westergren method .

    采用全自动血液分析仪测定RDW, 采用 魏氏 测定ESR。

  • Erythrocyte sedimentation rate ( ESR ) by Westergren 's international standard method ;

    红细胞沉降率(FSR)采用 魏氏国际标准

  • Double diffusion method Westergren and automatic gel method detected ant-SSA and ant-SSB antibody ESR and serum protein electrophoresis respectively .

    抗SSA和抗SSB抗体、ESR、血清蛋白电泳检测分别采用免疫双扩散法、 魏氏 、全自凝胶

  • The red blood cells sedimentation rate is an important parameter in clinical examination . The traditional Westergren method is a manual approach whose testing time is long and not adaptable to a large batch of testing in the clinical analysis .

    血红细胞沉降是临床诊断中测试的一项重要参数,传统的 魏氏 是一种手工测量方法且测试周期长,不适应大批量测试。红色(英文)

  • METHODS : The HLA-B27 of the AS patients was detected with the method of trace cell CRP with automatic biochemistry analyzer ( scattering turbidimetry ) ESR with Westergren method and AAG with special protein analyzer respectively .

    方法:用微量细胞法检测AS患者的HLA-B27,全自动生化分析仪(散射比浊法)检测CRP) 魏氏 检测ESR,用特种蛋白分析仪检测AAG。